DC Animated The Dark Knight Returns

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Just watched Batman Year One and enjoyed it a lot more.
I felt the atmosphere of the book was translated a lot better on it.
Just watched Batman Year One and enjoyed it a lot more.
I felt the atmosphere of the book was translated a lot better on it.

It was great I agree but IMO Year One just doesn't work as good as The Dark Knight Returns on screen. It is just jumping basically from one scene to another while the other one feels lot more like a comlplete movie. Year One simply better suited for the comicbook style. Still it is one of my favorite adaptation. My absolute favorite so far from the DC animated movies are the The Dark Knight Rises and Under the Red Hood!
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Just watched Batman Year One and enjoyed it a lot more.
I felt the atmosphere of the book was translated a lot better on it.

I actually felt the opposite. I enjoyed almost every aspect of TDKR. The only issue I had was Weller's horrid voice acting. Seemed like he phoned in the role, and was so monotone one would believe he was near comatosed on pain meds. :lol
I actually felt the opposite. I enjoyed almost every aspect of TDKR. The only issue I had was Weller's horrid voice acting. Seemed like he phoned in the role, and was so monotone one would believe he was near comatosed on pain meds. :lol

I agree. They should have stuck with Ron Perlman. Weller just wasn't the right fit.

"There are seven working defenses from this position.
Three of them disarm with minimal contact.
Three of them kill.
The other...

Now, that's Batman! :rock

Wish there was some monologue/narration in the movie, would've been awesome!
I did not see Green Arrow in the trailer...I will be dissapointed if he's not in...
Just picked this up, reread the comic, hopefully watch this tonight. :yess: