Funds liberated for Deadpool
I'm actually glad it's delayed since they might make some changes and I have no moneyz right now.
If they mess it up!!!!!! I'm going right I'm the customer...I have no say whatsoever. They better not mess it up.
My guess would be that they are working on bringing the PF portrait a little closer to that of the bust.
Now they are both great but the PF on the left has a sadder expression, and the changes needed to bring it more inline with the bust are minor. A slight upturn to the mouth, and a slightly higher brow, and you lighten his mood a bit.
Still like the left.
Still like the left.
I like the more realistic look of the PF portrait too, maybe if they combine the two.
I am really hoping they don't do much of anything to the face.... just give us a little more interesting base.
Who the heck are you guys kidding, you are just going to find something else to PO during the Superman
dude not cool! you made me watch 30 sec of redneck sheep farm for that?!?!
the bust looks terrible.