Premium Format DC Comics Superman Premium Format Figure

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Angry face needs light up.

NOT if it looks like this!!!!!
Ruuth!!! Bebe RUTH!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!! :lol

Wow I can really see that Cycs PF saying that :rotfl
Good luck mate, I may be a little late as I will March straight into the Pacific Ocean but I will.....(looks around for Bruce) cancel this PO if it helps the cause :wink1:
Yeah right because Superman is always smiling and never angry or pissed of.:rotfl

More often than not, Superman is hopeful and determined. The two SSC pieces shown capture that perfectly. An angry Superman is the exception to the rule. Superman isn't about anger and rage, he's not Batman or Spider-Man or Wolverine. Trying to fit Superman into the Batman/Spider-Man/Wolverine diminishes the character and misses a ot of what makes him the definitive superhero.
Honestly I wouldn't have minded an alternate head that was tilted slightly downwards with eyes closed. You know the whole 'everything is going to crap real fast' and he is looking for that last bit of inspiration, belief and hope. Or maybe that moment right before he is about to do something extraordinarily super. Sorry if I didn't get this point accross it was tough to explain :monkey1
More often than not, Superman is hopeful and determined. The two SSC pieces shown capture that perfectly. An angry Superman is the exception to the rule. Superman isn't about anger and rage, he's not Batman or Spider-Man or Wolverine. Trying to fit Superman into the Batman/Spider-Man/Wolverine diminishes the character and misses a ot of what makes him the definitive superhero.

Superman is FULL of rage. He is the last of his kind. He always loses the ones he loves to things he can't prevent. But he controls it. Showing him determined with red eyes getting ready to cut lose is as much the character as the noble expressions show previously. This isn't superman RAGING... It is just him ticked off.
If SSC wanted to really throw us for a loop we would get....

Two heads noble and angry as standard, and.....

The Ex would be a THIRD head either Alex Ross inspired or Christopher Reeve