Super Freak
No cheesy toy-like "lightbulb eyes" on a $350+ statue for me please. Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking. "Oh goody, he has light bulbs in his eyes that light up!"
Um yeah, that will age well and won't malfunction eventually, sure....
As for the ES, if it's higher than Batman (not gonna happen BTW as Batman is more popular than Supes) that won't be appealing for me. If you look at ANY old high ES statue on ebay of any statue company, they are all now selling for less than their original retail price. Check ebay listings if you don't believe me. I'm talking an ES of 5000 pieces or more. I would NEVER sell Supes to anyone, but I certainly won't feel as pleased to own him if 10,000 other people have the exact same piece. LMAO, I think I'm in a bad mood tonight or something.
stepping off soap box now...
P.S. If the Ex has an exclusive head and the Ex ES is 2000 or less then I take back everything I said and this Ex statue is a win! Please no simple Ex with only a different "hand." That would be lame IMHO lol.
Sorry, but I need to re-state my opinion after reading some of these posts lol. Please, why on earth would people want light up eyes?! That Cyclops Ex PF is a real grail now isn't he...? LMAO. So much so that the broken Cyclops PF whose light up eyes no longer are functional is sitting on sale in stock at BBTS for months and no one is buying him.

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