Premium Format DC Comics Superman Premium Format Figure

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The Story was awful I thought. But Jim Lee's Art makes it an easy read.

That's how a lot of stuff he has drawn plays out. For example, the New 52 Justice League run is incredibly underwhelming, but his art made it readable.
Any comment by the SS forum member about the EX wormy eyes?

Could be great they can explain what were they trying to show us this strange sculpted eyes?

They do not look real.
Sorry I meant any Sideshow responsible that frecuently comment in some threads.
I found that weird too,only buying because there a new collector born every second and when you buy the Exclusive its easier to sell,at least for retail,but honestly whats the point of the worm eyes effect ? This is some stupid decision,who approved this crap for production ? Probably they don't want bother with the LED eyes because would cost more to produce and they would not be able to pass it on us,this should be the same price ad the Batman.Not because of the LED failure in the future,this is just an excuse not to add it on the statue.

Just charge another $25 - $50 and make some quality product,and stop saying that you send dudes to China to inspect the lines,we all know that isn't true,why would they spend 3k on airfare/food etc... and hotel when,you just can refund $20 bucks for the faulty statues,which isn't a refund at all but just goes towards another purchase.
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Oh No don't build up the Reeve Ex too much. If something goes wrong thousands of freaks around the world will be lost!

LOL I just don't see how they can mess that one up.


"'A Reeve PF'! I said 'a REEVE PF', you idiots! Get back to the drawing table!"
I'd rather save on shipping and duty and get a Reg from a dealer or ebay for way cheaper... they're totally going to oversaturate the market with this piece anyway... why pay retail if you don't like the Ex...? The Ex isn't make or break it for me and SS will never change it to plain red eyes anyway. I love the Reg though.

As the undisputed posting KING of this thread I declare that you are not to use the words "oversaturate" again. I will accept flood as a replacement.

LMAO this won't ever go up in value. They're going to make 9500 of him. Total overkill IMHO. That's why I'm getting a Reg. Local dealers will charge $360. Done, no duty or shipping to Canada. I cannot wait for the Reeve PF. That will be the REAL grail as they won't make nearly as many of him. For Reeve I will go Ex (if the Ex is good).

You obviously haven't noticed how many people have said the LOVE the EX portrait, hate the effect, and are going to break it off. Finding an undamaged one will be hard as they will be even more rare then the ES suggest, and rare is valuable.

Perhaps not but what would you rather sell if you had to. 1 of 2000 EX or 1 of 10,000 regular? No brainer for the EX for me at least until I can see the CR PF.

MM is just trying to talk himself into his own logic.

The more I look at the noodle eyes the more I can't stand them. PLEASE SS FIX THE EX and give us plain red painted eyes. Supes would look amazing that way. Red eyes and no worms please! It's not too late :panic: :thud::pray: The sculpt is awesome otherwise but the worms gotta go! :) G'night all! I'm being my usual broken record lol but hopefully we can get SS to fix this.

So IF they DO FIX THIS well you will be screwed RIGHT? Because you aren't ordering the EX. See there is your catch 22. Just think about it.

Sorry I meant any Sideshow responsible that frecuently comment in some threads.

Oh you mean Spidey? :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

Oh just because as King I have inside knowledge of how SS is thinking, and even KNEW it would PO in

[quotet =firubi;5473820]I believe is Alex, CAhobbit, I would like to know his opinion.[/quote]

Alex has see the effect and SHE thinks it looks cool. oh and I don't have inside knowledge..... I just PMed her