I just threw all my regs in the bin last week. Disgusting tbh.
Oh man im so sorry you had to keep them for so long Irv
Sent from the Bat Computer
I just threw all my regs in the bin last week. Disgusting tbh.
How could you make such a silly decision to begin with. Reg........ Pshhhhh. Whatevs.
I just threw all my regs in the bin last week. Disgusting tbh.
EX or fail unless your international. Then you get a pass because of the stupid import fees and taxes. Damn gov always trying to squeeze more money out of the people. As if we don't pay enough in the form of federal, state, and sales tax. Social security and Medicaid taxes that I'll never see!! Obama you suck
Pfft, Obama? I think you need to go back a bit farther than that if you want to start talking about how much the Federal Government steals from you.![]()
Lol. It cracks me up when I hear people blame Obama for everything--especially for anything that was put into law before he became president. My favorite is when I hear people say insane stuff like "I don't want the government taking control of my Medicare!" Um, who do you think is in charge of Medicare? I guess it's easier to complain than educate yourself. Plus, so many other people are uneducated about issues like that they will believe whatever they hear--as long as it's Obama's fault. Just crazy.
Oh, EX or Fail for me as well. I didn't collect these statues/figures when I lived overseas because of the taxes added (and the cost of the inevitable return to the states would have been a small fortune) so I feel for those who are dedicated enough to get the EX and pay extra.