DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ Never get tired of looking at these :D
Shame it's gonna take a whole year to get them all, but they're definitely going to be worth the wait!!
It's going to be one seriously cool looking display with all these figures standing together - and a pretty decent rogues gallery line-up to boot!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Thanks axecutioner! Been meaning to look for those photos, you've saved me a job there mate, lol!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I kind of wish, seeing as how his "wind shield" is removable, they'd include an alternate smashed version. That being said, all I can picture now is a 1/6th Freeze with LEDs coursing through his suit and goggles.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I figured freeze might have a light up feature since you won't notice his headsculpt thu the frosted glass, but if they had time to type out 'deluxe figure' then they surly would have mentioned 'L.E.D light-up'. it's not like they ran out of ink.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

To me, the only way Freeze can be justified as a deluxe figure is if there is more to him than what was shown at NYCC. As displayed, he was just another regular figure IMO.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Is it just me or is Batman actually the worst looking out of that bunch?(Id buy a Bruce Wayne too!)
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I have just received word from inside sources that the Mr. Freeze figure is more expensive cause it does your laundry and makes the sun rise in the mourning.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

That makes no sense as Freeze would prefer night due to it being colder than day and who ever heard of freeze-dried laundry? :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures


The Riddler

The Penguin

Mr. Freeze

These rogues are great.

I seriously need that Mr. Freeze...
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Batmobiles always sell, how cool would it be if DCD finally makes a Batmobile from AA with a Batman w/cloth cape.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

That's more Mattel's kind of thing. If we get an Arkham Batmobile, it will probably be from them.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

DCD still has the release date for series 1 listed as December 21st on their official site, and there hasn't been an official re-solicit for these yet as far as I'm aware either.
Is it likely the release date will change this close to release? I have experience of DCD changing dates on figures I've anticipated in the past but as far as I remember they usualy do that a fair bit in advance. With only one month left to go I'm beginning to get excited about these but I don't want to get my hopes up too much!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

DCD isn't the best at updating their site. The figures are still technically cancelled. Nothing will be shipping in December.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Ever the optimist Buttmunch, eh? :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

The thing really making me hold out hope at the moment is the fact that at NYCC the card for the series 1 figures said 'December 21st 2011 In stores'.
The news about the re-solicits came before NYCC so surely they wouldn't have put that date on the card knowing it would imminently be changing.....
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

The thing really making me hold out hope at the moment is the fact that at NYCC the card for the series 1 figures said 'December 21st 2011 In stores'.
The news about the re-solicits came before NYCC so surely they wouldn't have put that date on the card knowing it would imminently be changing.....

They didn't even say which figures were in series 2 and 3 at NYCC and they were right there :lol

DCD is HORRIBLE about communication. Trust me, series 1 ain't coming out next month. And trust me, nobody would be happier to be wrong about that than I would.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ Actually, they did very clearly state which figures were in which wave - and when they are due out in stores too.






I guess you must've been too much in awe of the figures to notice those cards :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

They seem to be spread out pretty well actually. I really like these. Getting catwoman, croc, and fries for sure.

Maybe if robin looks cool in person, I'm not a fan of the design, and the only other one I can't decide on is Hush. The rest I'm gonna pass on. I wish dcd would have made a nightwing. That may be the only mattel figure I buy from them.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ DCD may still do Nightwing yet - so far only Penguin has been revealed for wave 3 so he may end up in that wave.