DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

You can get one direct from the Graphitti Designs website for $20. That's where I got mine from. Looks as though they still have them for sale there too.

Thanks, man. Just bought one.

Right after I ordered it, I showed my wife this picture ...


And she said "Oh, jesus! That's not what you bought is it? That's not going anywhere where anyone will see it ever. He's creepy!"

Haha!! I'd have paid the $20 for that reaction alone.

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I hate reviews where they don't even open the figure, it's just dumb. It's like if I did a review for a blu-ray that I have never seen, just read what's on the front and back of the case, while it's being filmed. or when they spend have the video review just show casing an empty box before finally bringing out the damn figure.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Just called my LCS and confirmed they will get the set next Wednesday. Not sure I'll be able to get them tho because I just spent $100+ one some Batman Lego sets.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

All I need is Harely from this wave.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Same here.

They look good, but I'm much more selective in my action figure buys these days.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'm kinda hoping for a new Battle Damaged Batman. I don't have the AA Battle Damaged one ... but the damage looked a little weak from the images I saw.

I want one that's damaged like Batman's been to hell and back. From near the end of the game. Like these, but maybe even worse ...



Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Here's the pics:





Looks like a great wave!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Looks nice. Glad they're making up for the three-figure series.

Hatter looks good. Not sure Hatter would've been my first choice for this wave ... I'd have probably left him for wave 3 or 4. Would've preferred Nightwing, Two Face, Strange, Ras, or Deadshot ... but the fact that he's in there bodes well for getting some of the higher profile guys later on.

Seems to be a side-mission wave.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

5 totally makes up for just 3 in the first wave. But the Hatter is a piece of crap right now. He is waaay too small and doesn't look like the one in the game. I hope they work on him more and Riddler really needs his glasses. A very half @$$Ed wave IMO, but there ain't much else to choose from.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Cool, I think I need all of wave 2.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Definately! I just wished they worked on these more. The Hatter was an unexpected surprise (considering we know they have Penguin done and they picked Hatter instead of him) but I hope they just shopped him too small in those pics because he wasn't his Long Halloween Smurf size in the game. And I don't know why the Riddler doesn't have his glasses. And frankly a more snobbish pose/expression would have been much better on him. I'm guessing they used the character trophy as a model for him, which was a poor choice.

And Batman being just a repaint is a very lazy choice. Especially since we haven't gotten a real, normal Batman from this game yet. Why make these stupid variants when they have great options?!? Regular Batman and Battle Damaged Batman spring to mind, not to mention the awesome DLC skins :slap
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

These pics confirm what I was fearing most..catwomen's face looks like a turd. but with a body like that who cares if DCD gives her Hush's headsculpt.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Nice wave. I assume Hatter only appears small 'cause the promo image is photoshopped. I think he's also meant to be in the distance so probably looks smaller next to Batman than he probably will be. Hush looks fantastic, and Catwoman looks a lot better than she did when we last saw her, I think. Riddler also looks excellent, despite the lack of glasses, though I do think they could've done a more appropriate facial expression that captures his personality better. Also, the hat looks a bit off and I don't know why. The Batman I have no interest in at all. When we get a wave 1 version with the mask then I'll get that for sure.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I think it's a great wave!
As SnakeDoc pointed out it's almost like a 'Side Mission' wave, if you could count Catwoman's role in the game as side-missions.
Mad Hatter doesn't seem too small to me (he was really small in the game considering he was only as tall as Batman when stood on a table) and he looks exactly like his game model. Hope he comes with the freaky Batman/bunny mask as an accessory. Really pleased we're getting him too as I thought they did a great job with his look and characterisation in the game.
Riddler looks great! I'm sure they'll add the glasses to him in production (when they solicited Scarecrow he didn't have the needles on his glove - they added them in production, and when they solicited the new Harley figure she didn't have the gold chain on her hip - it was added in production also)
The Batman variant at least has a newly sculpted cape with the exposed shoulders so it's not a 100% repaint. When they eventually release a normal version Batman I wonder if they'll go for the cape covering shoulders or exposed shoulders model....
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I don't think Mad Hatter will have the bunny mask. I think it's much more likely we'll get yet another Batman, this time with the bunny mask. Would've been cool if they were in the same wave, but ah well.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Wave 2 looks great.Im getting Riddler and Mad Hatter for sure Im not sure rest of the figures.