Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures
Got all three from my LCS today. $17.99 each.
I was actually most impressed with the Batman. The Bruce Wayne sculpt is very good, the "infection" vein detailing is impressive, but not overly distracting. It does have a bit of a "Bruce Wayne of Borg" look if you look at it exclusively from the right side of his face, but, from head-on it isn't too obtrusive or overpowering. I actually like the suit on the AC Batman a bit better than the AA one. It is a darker grey, and entirely black, instead of black and blue. The detailing on the suit, especially the belt, is quite a bit better ... and the belt isn't quite as bright, which fits better. Scale fits in perfectly with the AA figures. The AA Batman was easily my favorite Batman figure in this scale ever made -- and the AC version may actually be better.
I hope they do a battle damaged version, with cowl on, of this one ... and I hope they do a full Bruce Wayne.
The Robin is great. Good height. Smaller than Batman. Good colors. Much better looking than the Mattel version (which, admittedly, I left on the shelf). Can't get the staff to fit in his right hand, though ... which is only a minor problem. Probably one of the best Robin figures I've seen.
I like the AA Harley better than the AC one, though. The height and shape are good. The outfit is actually very good, though the loose belt is a bit weird. Great detailing on her tattoos. I think its the lack of a mask that throws it off, though. She looks like a china doll rather than Harley. I really do like the baseball bat accessory ... more menacing than the pop gun and staff that the AA version had.
Very solid series. If the rest of the AC figures are this good, this line could continue for a good long time. They were selling very fast at my LCS. They had maybe eight Batmans, five Harleys, and four or five Robins. The guy behind the counter said "If you want them, get them now. We had about twice that many two hours ago."