DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Someone just pointed out to me that the Riddler figure looks like Charlie Sheen. Cannot unsee.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

My LCS will have wave one tomorrow.

I thought the Hatter was pretty small in AC. Wasn't he standing on a table talking to Batman eye-to-eye (or just barely above it) after the fight? He may be a little small in the figure shots ... but not all that far off.

Riddler does need glasses, though.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Man, Dec to April is a long time between 2 waves! :lol

On sale April 25, 2011 * Action Figures * PI
The Riddler - 6.7” h
Catwoman - 6.5” h
Batman - (Detective Mode Variant) - 6.75” h
Hush - 6.8” h
Jervis Tetch: The Mad Hatter - 4.25” h

Confirms the Hatter is a smurf. He better come with lots of accessories (Tea set?) if they dare charge full figure price for him.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Man, Dec to April is a long time between 2 waves! :lol

Confirms the Hatter is a smurf. He better come with lots of accessories (Tea set?) if they dare charge full figure price for him.

I think that size is about right. Slightly over half as tall as Batman. Can't find a screenshot comparing the two ... but Mad Hatter was pretty small.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures


Woof! :horror
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I got Harley and Robin this-morning :D Got Batman coming in the next few days.
I'm actually suprised by how much I like Robin, he's a great figure! The hood is a really soft plastic so you can pull it back far enough to see they sculpted his hair on. It's glued into the back of his head though so won't come off completely. Harley's nice too - I definitely prefer this design over the AA design.






Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

They look great with their partners! Good to hear Robin has hair under there. But I can't believe you like this Harley over Arkham Asylum's. Had she had her mask instead of of just face paint, I might agree with you, but the lack of her trademark mask realy ruined this look for me. That and not being voiced by the same actress.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Thanks for the photos. Really tempted by Harley now, she looks pretty good, and not oversized like the previous one (though I think I still prefer that design). The Batman and Robin photo is awesome, I was never in any doubt about getting him but now I'm even more eager, and excited to see the whole rogues gallery develop as we get more waves.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Is that jacked up Joker from the Mattel line or the DC direct? Cant tell...if DC, I missed it somehow!?!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

But I can't believe you like this Harley over Arkham Asylum's
Yep - prefer it a LOT more than the AA design. This version is much closer to her classic look than the AA costume, and the lack of mask doesn't bother me at all. I think she looks a lot more femenine this time around too.

Thanks for the photos. Really tempted by Harley now, she looks pretty good, and not oversized like the previous one (though I think I still prefer that design). The Batman and Robin photo is awesome, I was never in any doubt about getting him but now I'm even more eager, and excited to see the whole rogues gallery develop as we get more waves.
Thanks! Yeah, Batman & Robin do look cool together.
Looking forward to seeing the rogues gallery develop myself too. The six rogues we already have from DCD look great together, but along with the rest of the rogues gallery we know are coming it's going to make for an awesome display!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I got Harley and Robin this-morning :D Got Batman coming in the next few days.
I'm actually suprised by how much I like Robin, he's a great figure! The hood is a really soft plastic so you can pull it back far enough to see they sculpted his hair on. It's glued into the back of his head though so won't come off completely. Harley's nice too - I definitely prefer this design over the AA design.


Niiice, can't wait for Nightwing :rock

BBTS has series 2 up for PO, $95 for the set of 5. Damn, is DC Direct jacking up the price or is BBTS doing it since these are selling well?
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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I think its a bit of both. The set of 3 in wave 1 was $48 and shipping from CSC for me. They retail for over $20 each now, which is why the Mad Hatter needs some serious accessories included with him being half the size. Either that or make him half the size. Or DCD just thinks we owe them for Bane :lol

My set shipped today so I'll have them Friday! :rock

Sfa, what rooftop set is that? Is that the Young Justice Robin one?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Got all three from my LCS today. $17.99 each.

I was actually most impressed with the Batman. The Bruce Wayne sculpt is very good, the "infection" vein detailing is impressive, but not overly distracting. It does have a bit of a "Bruce Wayne of Borg" look if you look at it exclusively from the right side of his face, but, from head-on it isn't too obtrusive or overpowering. I actually like the suit on the AC Batman a bit better than the AA one. It is a darker grey, and entirely black, instead of black and blue. The detailing on the suit, especially the belt, is quite a bit better ... and the belt isn't quite as bright, which fits better. Scale fits in perfectly with the AA figures. The AA Batman was easily my favorite Batman figure in this scale ever made -- and the AC version may actually be better.

I hope they do a battle damaged version, with cowl on, of this one ... and I hope they do a full Bruce Wayne.

The Robin is great. Good height. Smaller than Batman. Good colors. Much better looking than the Mattel version (which, admittedly, I left on the shelf). Can't get the staff to fit in his right hand, though ... which is only a minor problem. Probably one of the best Robin figures I've seen.

I like the AA Harley better than the AC one, though. The height and shape are good. The outfit is actually very good, though the loose belt is a bit weird. Great detailing on her tattoos. I think its the lack of a mask that throws it off, though. She looks like a china doll rather than Harley. I really do like the baseball bat accessory ... more menacing than the pop gun and staff that the AA version had.

Very solid series. If the rest of the AC figures are this good, this line could continue for a good long time. They were selling very fast at my LCS. They had maybe eight Batmans, five Harleys, and four or five Robins. The guy behind the counter said "If you want them, get them now. We had about twice that many two hours ago."

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

The AA Harley actually came with the Titan gun, not a pop gun. Its really the Joker's accessory, not hers.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

got bats and harley today for 17.95 plus taxes, might pick up robin later. I'll have to get me that sick joker before he goes for crazy prices like Bane on e-bay.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

got bats and harley today for 17.95 plus taxes, might pick up robin later. I'll have to get me that sick joker before he goes for crazy prices like Bane on e-bay.

Yikes.... $80 for Bane.... I knew I shouldn't have opened him.