DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Ah, I thought you'd done half AA characters, and half new AC characters, with Croc on the other side to be symmetrical with Bane. Also, I'd swap Robin and Catwoman around so Catwoman's on the roof and Robin's with Batman.

But yeah. There are many equally OCD ways of setting it up. On mine, I tried to keep symmetry among both collections, for example big Bane and big Croc, crouching Zsasz and crouching Scarecrow, female Harley and female Ivy, then Batman centred, Joker to the right of him and Scarface on the left side to balance out the numbers. GAWD. I also like to have big characters like Freeze, Penguin and Riddler all together - Two Face will probably join them, and Deadshot will join Hush as both are side-missions. Strange will either be next to Ras or opposite him for symmetry, but then he'd need a second-in-command to mirror Talia as Ras' second-in-command.

The Arkham City/Asylum balance is soon going to be too uneven for me to have my AC/AA division, so I might have to rethink.

Sfa, will Strange be central to your villains balcony, or will Ras? Ras is behind it all in the end, but I like to think Strange had more control than is apparent in the game. Plus it's more symmetrical to have the Al Ghul's on either side of Strange.

ALSO I like the two thugs on the floor, you going to keep them like that in the display? It kind of 'frames' it a bit, and makes it nice and DYNAMIC.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Yeah I think I might leave the thugs on the floor like that. Especially if new characters are coming it'll add more space at that left hand side. I'm thinking that if DCC make more thugs in the future I can have some behind Batman aswell about to attack. I've also decided to permanently leave Catwoman on that right hand side building, since it adds another dynamic to the display, plus she did a lot of clawing up buildings in the game anyway.
As for Hugo, I've really struggled with this. I really do want him in the middle, since he is Arkham City's key figure, but as you say that does mean splitting the Al Ghul's either side of him. I think I'd like Ra's and Talia side by side preferably. Oh the frustrating decisions!!! lol
Also, I'm planning on if Nightwing is released, having him with Robin where I have Azreal now, then Azreal where Robin is now.
Such fun! :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Okay, so hi! I've been following this thread and reading the posts for a few months now...! Always tempted to get involved, I finally got round to signing up a couple of weeks ago, but there were problems with my registration... alas! I am here now, :yess:
So hey, one thing I think I need to quickly say, sfa - your display is amazing! When you first posted pictures of it I was instantly inspired and created something (no where near as good) similar! (I'll show you pictures soon if you're interested!)
I have most of the Asylum/City figures, I'll show you all them at some point soon, :wink1:
But yeah, I'll say good night now, as I'm up early for work,
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Hi! Nice to meet another Arkham City figure fan in here :D
Thanks for the compliments too and I'm definitely interested in seeing your diorama! I'm sure everyone is actually, bet it looks great, looking forward to the pics!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Okay, so hi! I've been following this thread and reading the posts for a few months now...! Always tempted to get involved, I finally got round to signing up a couple of weeks ago, but there were problems with my registration... alas! I am here now, :yess:
So hey, one thing I think I need to quickly say, sfa - your display is amazing! When you first posted pictures of it I was instantly inspired and created something (no where near as good) similar! (I'll show you pictures soon if you're interested!)
I have most of the Asylum/City figures, I'll show you all them at some point soon, :wink1:
But yeah, I'll say good night now, as I'm up early for work,


It's a pity about your registration, but atleast your here now.
I look forward to seeing your collection.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Thanks for the warm welcomes guys! :)

Okay, my collection as it stands:

Asylum Series 1: Batman, Scarecrow
Asylum Series 2: Zsasz, Bane

NYCC Exclusive Joker

City Series 1: Batman (infected), Robin, Harley Quinn
City Series 2: Batman (detective), Riddler, Catwoman, Hush, Mad Hatter
City Series 3: Clown Thug (Knife), Clown Thug (Bat), Penguine

Deluxe Series 1: Killer Croc

I actually have no idea how to upload photos, :dunno
...but I have taken some...!

Some little anecdotes I could go off on, but I'll save them for now :wink1:

Would love to discuss the figures/ favourites/ hopeful releases with you guys :)
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Sounds like you've got an almost complete collection there! :D

Are you planning on getting the rest of the figures you don't have from each series? Or just a select few?

There's a good few of us on here who are always happy to discuss these figures so you're in the right place for that :)
I'm sure a lot of us in here, like myself, think that this is probably the best Batman figure line ever produced so far.

I'm very excited to see what's to be revealed next week at NYCC!! It's so hard to predict what could be shown, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for at least a glimpse of wave 4 (preferably the whole wave though of course) and a new deluxe too (likely the much anticipated Grundy figure)
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

If they don't show the full freaking wave, its an epic fail after the mega fail of SDCC. We'd better see 4 and 5 and a coulpe of deluxes frankly. Anything less just shows they don't have their heart in it anymore and that they are too busy peddling their new 3 3/4" figure and new 52 crap.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Nice to see your love for DCC shining through in your posts as always Buttmunch! :lol

I'd love to see a whole heap of figures revealed too, but I don't want to get my hopes up too high. I have a feeling they may only show a few at NYCC, then reveal more in the new year maybe.

I'm sure they do still have their hearts in this line and from what they posted just recently it seems like they're really excited to show us what's to be revealed. They gave the impression that there's a lot more to come in the future too so that would suggest their other lines aren't affecting this one in any way.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Sounds like you've got an almost complete collection there! :D

Are you planning on getting the rest of the figures you don't have from each series? Or just a select few?

There's a good few of us on here who are always happy to discuss these figures so you're in the right place for that :)
I'm sure a lot of us in here, like myself, think that this is probably the best Batman figure line ever produced so far.

I'm very excited to see what's to be revealed next week at NYCC!! It's so hard to predict what could be shown, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for at least a glimpse of wave 4 (preferably the whole wave though of course) and a new deluxe too (likely the much anticipated Grundy figure)

I would LOVE to be able to get the rest! Particularly the Asylum Joker & Harley Quinn (I'm a massive Joker fan you see)
But obviously the prices are huge put-off :(
Have to agree about it being the best Batman figure line!

I did actually have the rest of City Series 3 pre-ordered, but had to cancel those 3 nearer the time as I just didn't have enough money for them all :monkey2 Similarly I did pre-order mister freeze, and had to chose between him and Croc when forced to cancel one :(

I'm very excited about NYCC!! I think releases I'm MOST hoping for soon would be, Hugo Strange, Talia, Two Face, and more thugs!!
Then for deluxes - clayface, grundy (the obvious) but I would REALLY like to see the twins, (or at lease just mister hammer) as he'd go so well with the thugs/joker/harley quinn!

I wish I had the money to get the rest, I'd kill for the asylum joker & harley, still need ivy, (not THAT bothered about the other batman but would like it for completion purposes) then from city I just need to get the rest of series 3 and freeze, (so much money all together :( )

I don't see how I'm ever going to be able to afford titan joker, and he looks amazing so I'm gutted! and most annoyingly, my croc needs replacing :(
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Nice to see your love for DCC shining through in your posts as always Buttmunch! :lol

I'd love to see a whole heap of figures revealed too, but I don't want to get my hopes up too high. I have a feeling they may only show a few at NYCC, then reveal more in the new year maybe.

I'm sure they do still have their hearts in this line and from what they posted just recently it seems like they're really excited to show us what's to be revealed. They gave the impression that there's a lot more to come in the future too so that would suggest their other lines aren't affecting this one in any way.

Always the optimist :lol

The fact they didn't show ANYTHING at SDCC proves they aren't as into this line as they used to be. If they don't bring their A game to NYCC, then the line is only limping along because of its sales and not because of their own interest anymore. Even if HT doesn't enjoy super heroes they keep making them because they make money. But you can always tell when they've got their heart into a project as they knock it out of the park.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Always the optimist :lol

The fact they didn't show ANYTHING at SDCC proves they aren't as into this line as they used to be.
No it doesn't, that's a massive misuse of the word 'proves'. It could simply be that they were taking the extra time to prepare more and better figures, or rearrange their waves etc to accomodate new figures. There are many possible reasons for nothing being shown at SDCC - and to be fair we did have three deluxes and another wave to keep us going anyway.

If they don't bring their A game to NYCC, then the line is only limping along because of its sales and not because of their own interest anymore. Even if HT doesn't enjoy super heroes they keep making them because they make money. But you can always tell when they've got their heart into a project as they knock it out of the park.
Hasn't this line had consistently high sales? Hence the crazy prices for old figures on eBay.

Anyway, I don't want to re-list all the arguments against what you're saying, as I did that a few pages back, and I did hope that you'd stop thinking like that as they said that Arkham stuff will be shown at NYCC, and every available slice of evidence suggests entirely the opposite of what you believe.

Anyway. I'm hoping to see another full wave at NYCC, hopefully with Strange, Two Face, Deadshot and Nightwing, as well as at least the Grundy deluxe, if not Clayface as well. Strange is a priority though, he's my most wanted figure now.
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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

It seems soooo far away. I wish they'd give us a few teasers, or a list of stuff they're definitely showing. I'm just impatient.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

It seems soooo far away. I wish they'd give us a few teasers, or a list of stuff they're definitely showing. I'm just impatient.

Its only been just under a year since we got new stuff shown, whats 4 more days? :lol

And yet another piece of evidence that plays into my chicken littling of the line. It shouldn't take nearly a year to get new items shown. NYCC we saw Penguin from wave 3 and Titan Joker. A few months later at Toy Fair we got the rest of wave 3. It shouldn't take that long for a line to get a new wave. We never waited that long for a Blackest Night wave. While we are clearly getting more items, its not at a very fast pace and that should be of concern. Thats all I'm saying. Healthy lines don't tend to have a final revealed wave out before we even see the next one.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I personally think it's best not to speculate on the future of the line until any definitive news or evidence presents itself. Nothing so far has definitively shown us the line is over or will be soon. I don't feel any of us, even with educated guesses, can predict what DCC has in store. They have shown themselves to be highly unpredictable especially when it comes to the Arkham figure line, just look at the varying numbers of figures in each wave.

I'm not sure why the slowed pace of figure reveals should be of any concern. It's not as if there weren't any figures being released over that time. There could be any number of reasons for the long gap between the last reveals to these upcoming ones. Perhaps they wanted to wait and see if the high sales would continue with each of those waves first? Who knows? Who cares? I try not to involve myself in these things to be honest, I just enjoy the figures.

I think it would at least be prudent to wait and see what is revealed at NYCC before making any judgements on this line's future. For now, I'm just excited to see what's under that freaking cloth!! :D
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

sorry for asking, as I'm a bit out of the loop here, but has Grundy been confirmed or at least hinted at? I thought his character design was amazing and I've been hoping for a figure of him....it would be totally epic!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

He was mentioned by a DCC employee at a convention (can't remember which one or when now - early this year I think) and the guy said that the Grundy figure was "13 inches tall", so it would seem that a prototype of him has already been made.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

He was mentioned by a DCC employee at a convention (can't remember which one or when now - early this year I think) and the guy said that the Grundy figure was "13 inches tall", so it would seem that a prototype of him has already been made.

Thats great.I hope we see pics of series 4 before next year.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

He was mentioned by a DCC employee at a convention (can't remember which one or when now - early this year I think) and the guy said that the Grundy figure was "13 inches tall", so it would seem that a prototype of him has already been made.
Actually I seem to think it was waaaaay back when wave 2 were first shown, and Penguin was also first shown. I could be wrong. Either way it was a while back now, so I'm fully expecting to see him at NYCC.