DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Talia could have been done much better, Im afraid her likeness isnt very reflective of her ingame model...
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Hope the original poster over on The Fwoosh doesn't mind me posting this here. He went to NYCC and this is what he posted:

Just Asked questions at the booth today with one of the top guys of dcc (don't want to give wrong name, but main guy on panel yesterday)...

Clayface...not yet, but before line ends. Quote "if we don't do him I will be very very shocked". Will absolutely be a deluxe when does happen

They say still plenty of figures to do before line ends, wants do do all of them.

Sales of deluxe are great and a complete nonissue in terms of more releases.

There will be several waves of Arkham figures in 2013, but also reissue waves. Release schedule not 100% fully set yet.
I specifically asked the panel about if a deluxe Grundy was going to be released in 2013, they said with a very VERY obvious nod and wink that "Wouldn't that be something...". I replied "ah, gotcha" with a wink back, to which they quietly added "yup".

So it is as unofficially official as it can possibly be.
I'm also glad that DCC's continual reassurance at the con that there will be "plenty more" Arkham figures means we don't have to worry/complain that this wave might be the last
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures


Lol, but anyway, all sounding good. I assume reissues mean we'll get the exact same figures again, not remakes of figures, which is a bit meh. Surely if deluxes are doing so well, and we're getting characters we've already had, then a deluxe Bane must be on the cards?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures


Lol, but anyway, all sounding good. I assume reissues mean we'll get the exact same figures again, not remakes of figures, which is a bit meh. Surely if deluxes are doing so well, and we're getting characters we've already had, then a deluxe Bane must be on the cards?

That's the spirit! :lol

It probably means they'll re-release AA series 2 like they did with series 1. Thus cutting the legs out from the Bane secondary market. Although letting those continue to rise while they make a deluxe Bane would mean better sales of the deluxe Bane :dunno

But to be fair, this is how we heard about Grundy last year. And we still haven't gotten or seen him yet. Clayface is this year's new rumored Grundy :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures


Thank god for the re-issues. I hope they are from the AA series, as I missed most and the prices now are ridiculous (MOC or not). :slap
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'm hoping we get a deluxe Bane over a re-release. If they did that, it'd actually make me money - I'd sell my old Bane for a stupid price immediately, then use a fraction of that to get the new Bane later on.

Assuming the new Bane looks good. And assuming we get a new Bane.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Surely im not the only one who thinks those literally look like toys? They dont look like anything from the DCD/AC/AA series; theyre more statue like and much less poseable than these;these look like mattel action figures;

Agreed. I was perfectly happy with the articulations so far. I've never touched Mattel because I loved the way DC Collectibles did their figures, sure the downside were figures that had only a few poses (Bane, Zsasz for example) but I was fine with that.

However, if you check out DC Collectibles New 52 figures, they are blending more articulation with design pretty well. So once again I'm really wondering who designed these figures. :/
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I cant see them removing the statue-esque style. totally loses the identity next to the other 5 waves and deluxe waves.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'm going to disagree with everyone an hope they don't make a new deluxe Bane, :dunno my opinion being that if he were any bigger he would make Killer Croc look way to small ! (Croc is already smaller than he should be to keep in scale) so personal I'd rather keep it like this! Standing Bane on a small platform appears to give him just enough height to compensate for being to small. (Opening his arms out a bit to make him bulkier really helps too!)
Another example to add would be that if they ever did figures of either of the twins (please god):pray: then they'd have to fit somewhere below killer croc, but noticeably bigger than say the clown thugs... Playing with names size i don't feel would help this, :/ but I am 100% up for reissues if they are the Arkham asylum series' !!!! Annoyingly it probably wouldn't be series 1 :( (I'd kill for joker an Harley) but I would still love to pick up armoured batman and ivy from series 2 - I'd probably get a second bane to keep one in packaging.... Just in case:wink1:
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

LCS (which is the only retail outlet to buy these) is charging $21.99 for all basic figures. They have no deluxe figures, so I don't know how bad the price is on those. I'd like to support the store and get to choose good paint apps, but I might just now start taking my chances online.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'm going to disagree with everyone an hope they don't make a new deluxe Bane, :dunno my opinion being that if he were any bigger he would make Killer Croc look way to small ! (Croc is already smaller than he should be to keep in scale) so personal I'd rather keep it like this! Standing Bane on a small platform appears to give him just enough height to compensate for being to small. (Opening his arms out a bit to make him bulkier really helps too!)
Another example to add would be that if they ever did figures of either of the twins (please god):pray: then they'd have to fit somewhere below killer croc, but noticeably bigger than say the clown thugs... Playing with names size i don't feel would help this, :/ but I am 100% up for reissues if they are the Arkham asylum series' !!!! Annoyingly it probably wouldn't be series 1 :( (I'd kill for joker an Harley) but I would still love to pick up armoured batman and ivy from series 2 - I'd probably get a second bane to keep one in packaging.... Just in case:wink1:
A deluxe Bane only needs to have straight legs and less of a hunched over look. Around the same size as Croc, maybe slightly smaller. The only reason he's crouched and hunched was to fit him into a normal wave.

And if we're getting reissues, I'd say a new Joker is a given, as the whole game revolves around him.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

DCC say that they want to make every character and that there's plenty more to come in 2013, so who do we have left for them to make now?
Hugo Strange
Two Face
Black Mask
Calendar Man
DLC Harley
Abramovici Twins
Various thugs

One of those will obviously be revealed in this new wave shortly, but that still actually leaves quite a few characters left for them to make if they do intend to do 'every character'. Factor in some Batman variants too and there's at least two more regular waves aswell as some deluxe waves. They could possibly even stretch to three waves, depending on how many figures per wave and if they throw some thugs into the mix. The only problem I can see, is getting heavy hitters in each wave if they were to stretch into another 3 waves.
I didn't put in characters like Gordon or Cash etc. as I just don't think they're characters that would get made. Gordon at a push I suppose since he's been made in the past, but I highly doubt any other secondary characters would. There's also the possibility of them re-doing characters who had modified looks in AC like Ivy and Zsasz, but since they mention re-releasing earlier waves that might not happen.

Call me a dreamer, but I'd so love DCC to totally shock everyone and make the Batmobile as part of the deluxe line too. I know it's probably never going to happen in a million years, but they have been on record as saying they want to try new things out and do different products. Plus, that new articulated Batman would be able to fit nicely into a Batmobile....
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

They've never done a Batmobile in any form, so I doubt they'd make it in this line considering its pointlessness in the games (not even in AC). But if they really do want to get 'everyone' made in this line, I think all of those mentioned are definately series 5 and 6 choices. I just hope we get better Batman variants than "Super articulated" and "blue tinted" or "black eye Bruce" like the ones have been so far :lol

Deadshot or Calendar Man does seem to be the last figure in wave 4. The teaser shot, if real, seems to be Deadshot, but the date suggests Calendar Man.

I think seperating Strange and Two-face in different waves would help spread out the 'big names' more.

Batman Variant
Calendar Man/Deadshot (whichever isn't the wave 4 teaser)
DLC Harley

Batman Variant
Black Mask

Those would seem logical figures now that it seems we're going back to just 4 figure waves. If they do keep up the 5+ figure waves, you could add Penguin, Two-face, and Harley Thugs to the mix, otherwise I think they are in the backseat to actual characters.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

is this just wishfull thinking of them doing re-issues or is there some hints to this happening, what I miss?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Supposedly we're getting more new waves this year along with reissues (no word on what though).
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I could see them doing more thugs, to space out the waves even more. Penguin Thug, Two-Face Thug, and Tyger Guard seem like obvious choices. Also, I was thinking a translucent Thug figure, would be a cool variant or exclusive, to go with 'Tec mode Bats. Another cool deluxe figure would be a Titan Goon.

There's tons of possibilities with this line, and it seems to be doing very well, so I'm hoping to get at least 2 or 3 more waves, plus some deluxe releases.

The coolest thing they could release though, is Riddler's damn glasses!!! Throw them as an accessory with another figure at this point, just get it done.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I could see them doing more thugs, to space out the waves even more. Penguin Thug, Two-Face Thug, and Tyger Guard seem like obvious choices. Also, I was thinking a translucent Thug figure, would be a cool variant or exclusive, to go with 'Tec mode Bats. Another cool deluxe figure would be a Titan Goon.

There's tons of possibilities with this line, and it seems to be doing very well, so I'm hoping to get at least 2 or 3 more waves, plus some deluxe releases.

The coolest thing they could release though, is Riddler's damn glasses!!! Throw them as an accessory with another figure at this point, just get it done.

:goodpost: :goodpost: :goodpost: