DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

A member over on The Fwoosh forums is at NYCC and posted what he heard there at the DCC panel.
They said that there ARE more waves coming in 2013 and they also heavily hinted at Grundy coming in 2013 too.

That just made my day.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

A member over on The Fwoosh forums is at NYCC and posted what he heard there at the DCC panel.
They said that there ARE more waves coming in 2013 and they also heavily hinted at Grundy coming in 2013 too.

Thanks for the info. :rock

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

A member over on The Fwoosh forums is at NYCC and posted what he heard there at the DCC panel.
They said that there ARE more waves coming in 2013 and they also heavily hinted at Grundy coming in 2013 too.

YAY...(happy dance):yess:
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Jeez Buttmunch, you're just so majorly desperate to say ' I told you so' aren't you? You're coming across as gloating and almost happy (that you think) the line is over. You've clearly expressed your opinion on that subject many times in here now. It's just getting old and annoying to me.

Just because ONE figure series ended in a four pack, doesn't mean this one will too. Has the Arkham City series followed the same formula as the Blackest Night series so far? NO. So there's no reason to think it will now.
As for the 'four pack'. The sites reporting that are CLEARLY just copying what they saw from the DC Comics live feed , which I believe to be an error. I mean come on, in the same sentance they also described them as statues for heavens sakes... STATUES. They obviously weren't in the loop or concentrating too hard on what they typed.
The cards alongside the figures at NYCC clearly state that it's SERIES four. A SERIES. Not only that but each figure was listed separately on the card aswell. If it was a box set, it would have said 'box set'. But no. It said SERIES.

Look, I'm not saying that I categorically know the line is continuing on here, I'm just pointing out that we DON'T know for certain that its finishing. Any 'evidence' that our positively optimistic friend Buttmunch has given us to show it's ending is just his own personal speculation, and can be refuted. He knows just as much as us, so I personally wouldn't take any stock in what he says. (Especially since he was convinced that series 3 was the final wave) If he does turn out to be right this time? Well, massive coincidence and he can have his orgasm that he was finally 'right' and rub it in all our faces. Won't that be a joyous day to look forward to....?

I think the best thing to do is just wait and see. DCC said more were coming in 2013 aswell as what was shown at NYCC. They said that they were so excited about what was coming they could hardly speak. That sounds to me like more figures are coming.

For right now, I'm happy to just enjoy the reveals we did get and have fun speculating on that fourth figure! Calendar Man would be a very apt reveal indeed, and also the first ever figure of him, so if it does turn out to be Mr Julian Day that would be pretty cool :D
Well said man. Not only is it irritating for every other post being all 'THE END IS NIGH', it just hijacks the discussion to a boring subject which nobody really knows enough about to comment on, unless they work at DCD, but nobody here does.

Still, I did hope to see more figures at NYCC. The earlier press release suggested we'd be seeing a lot.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

A member over on The Fwoosh forums is at NYCC and posted what he heard there at the DCC panel.
They said that there ARE more waves coming in 2013 and they also heavily hinted at Grundy coming in 2013 too.

That is very welcome news indeed. I just really wish DCC would offically announce stuff like that rather than rely on people spreading the word on the internet. You'd get a lot less belly aching from me that way :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

A member over on The Fwoosh forums is at NYCC and posted what he heard there at the DCC panel.
They said that there ARE more waves coming in 2013 and they also heavily hinted at Grundy coming in 2013 too.

Yayyyy!! :yess::yess::hi5:
Thanks for that, awesome news..! Now if they're feeling nice they could maybe show us maybe... 1 of the series 5 figures at comic con? ;D or is that pushing for to much ..? Haha :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Grundy would be sweet, as would clay face and the twins! Maybe even random Titan enhanced thugs!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Does anyone know if we've seen everything Arkham related at NYCC? From what was speculated, we were informed we'd see loads but so far, we've only seen 3 figures. :dunno
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I don't know, does anyone have the link to that page? Can't remember what it said now, but I got the impression we'd see a lot.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Oh yeah, 'So much that we can hardly wait to talk about it!'. Hrm.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Is there no chance of any other reveals over the weekend then? or is that it.., ? :/ hmmmmmm, would have been nice to see a deluxe too,
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Is there no chance of any other reveals over the weekend then? or is that it.., ? :/ hmmmmmm, would have been nice to see a deluxe too,

I really hope we see more. It's a 3 day event, so don't give up yet, but don't hold your breath either.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures



Aw, here's to any hope that Nightwing's Escrima sticks could be placed on his back. Highly doubtful in the first place but oh well. :)

And that's some ass on Talia.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Surely im not the only one who thinks those literally look like toys? They dont look like anything from the DCD/AC/AA series; theyre more statue like and much less poseable than these;these look like mattel action figures;