Yeah, I did consider selling Bane and rebuying a rereleased version, but I'm not sure whether to risk it or not. I might end up being late to pre-order and him being sold out everywhere, which would suck.... Mine's unboxed and they only go for about £50, so it's probably not worth it in the end.
Anyone got any idea when we'll see wave four of AC figures? Probably not for a while, but any chance we'll see perhaps one or two figures from the wave at the next big toy convention type thing? And surely Strange and Two-Face are basically definite figures for the next wave? Add Deadshot and Nightwing to that, plus a new Batman, and it'd be a great wave. Actually, wouldn't that be basically everyone by then? Except for Talia, and Deluxe Grundy/Clayface. Oh, and Calendar Man. And Black Mask. I really should keep a list of who is left.