DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I bet we'll see Solomon Grundy. I think it's unlikely they'll show us the fourth full wave since it says that stuff will be out in 2012. We might get a list or preliminary picture, mind. But showing us Grundy could mean he'll be available alongside Titan Joker in November. Then after a fourth wave, we'll probably get Clayface once there's no risk of him being spoilery, and if we got a deluxe Bane alongside him then that'd be ace.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

The way DCD was cranking out those AC figure reveals a few months back I'd be suprised if they didn't have more to show us by now. It's been quite a while since the last reveals and I need a new fix!! :lol

I agree that wave 4 seems a bit too much to hope for, though I'd love to be wrong!! Hopefully we'll see Grundy at the very least since we know he's being produced.
A delux Bane would be very nice indeed. I know a lot of people think there's no way DCD will remake him as a deluxe, but I'd like to think there is a chance. There was no deluxe line when he was originally made, and now there is one it gives them an opportunity to do him again. He's the most sought-after figure nowadays so they know he'll sell.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Yeah. Bane seems a very safe bet in terms of them making a decent profit on him - he's popular, especially with TDKR coming up. A deluxe Bane is one of my most wanted figures now, though I'll still be happy if the original figure is the only one available.

They might just show us one figure from Wave 4 like they did when they showed us Penguin. Two-Face would be a likely one to show given that he's well known. But then again, it might not be that exciting as we've already got a Two Face figure. So perhaps Hugo Strange would fit the bill.

I at least want to know what's coming up, anyway.
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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

From DC Comics Twitter:

Fans at #C2E2 getting a first look at The Dark Knight Returns: Batman vs. Superman statue as well as Batman Arkham Asylum Wave 3.

I assume they mean AC Wave 3. Gimme some Solomon Grundy....
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Looks like there's nothing new AC-wise at C2E2... nothing new mentioned yet anyway. Would have loved to see some new figures but never mind - at least wave 2 is out in less than 2 weeks now! :D
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

We might get a new figure shown before the weekend ends....maybe? I dunno.

But yes, not long until the new wave, and then not too long until the deluxe wave after that. MR. FREEZE. :D
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I think they would have shown them today if we were going to get anything new this weekend. DCD isn't Mattel, they play all the cards at the start of the con, and not throughout.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Hi there, I've been reading this post for quite a while now but never actually posted a reply. Registered just this morning.

Anyway, I would have to disagree about DC playing all its cards on the first day. I say give it two days; I remember cons where new stuff surprisingly appeared on the second day.

I was reading the live commentary for DC Collectibles panel as it went on. These were mentioned about Arkham City.

"The rocksteady developers come in from London and go over the designs and the characters they want to do"

Q: plans for a Clayface or Solomon Grundy Arkham City figures?
"We have talked about those. We are planning on going pretty deep into that roster."

I'm thinking with Joker goons coming out who knows what other characters might be made. I think as of now many are still works in process, perhaps prototypes during SDCC!

Looking at Catwoman more I'm starting to like her, might get it I don't know. Anyone getting her?

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I don't know what happened to my previous post but it was deleted.
I've been reading this topic for quite a while now, never registered, never posted.

But anyway.

DC doesn't always play all its cards on the first day of a con; I remember many instances when new items are released on the second day. So I say give it two days. That said, after reading the live DC Collectibles panel I wouldn't expect much for C2E2.

These are some stuff said during the panel after Arkham City,

"The rocksteady developers come in from London and go over the designs and the characters they want to do"

Q: plans for a Clayface or Solomon Grundy Arkham City figures?
"We have talked about those. We are planning on going pretty deep into that roster"

That said, plus Joker goons coming out in series3, I'm thinking who knows what other characters might be coming out. DC is milking this line to the last drop, and they should! But I think most are still in their design phases, hopefully prototypes at SDCC.

The best part of C2E2?!

Riddler's glasses!


Now I know it's out of focus, but take a look at the Riddler box. Right side next to the hat, I see what appears to be glasses. Tell me I'm wrong. I'm still looking for better pictures but that appears to be it!

Oh and Catwoman is starting to look good after more pictures, is it just me? I might get it eventually, still hate the face though.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I don't know what happened to my previous post but it was deleted. (edit: released it's because of picture link)
I've been reading this topic for quite a while now, never registered, never posted.

But anyway.

DC doesn't always play all its cards on the first day of a con; I remember many instances when new items are released on the second day. So I say give it two days. That said, after reading the live DC Collectibles panel I wouldn't expect much for C2E2.

These are some stuff said during the panel after Arkham City,

"The rocksteady developers come in from London and go over the designs and the characters they want to do"

Q: plans for a Clayface or Solomon Grundy Arkham City figures?
"We have talked about those. We are planning on going pretty deep into that roster"

That said, plus Joker goons coming out in series3, I'm thinking who knows what other characters might be coming out. DC is milking this line to the last drop, and they should! But I think most are still in their design phases, hopefully prototypes at SDCC.

Oh and Catwoman is starting to look good after more pictures, is it just me? Anyone getting it? I might get it eventually, still hate the face though.

And Riddler doesn't have his glasses, I thought he did from a picture at (action figure pics) but found another that showed Riddler's box clearly, no glasses it seems unless it's hidden by the "Arkham City" logo. :(
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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I don't think anything else will be shown from DCD (or DCC as it is now!) action-figure wise as they were only scheduled to appear yesterday. Doubt they'd add more to their displays now that their panel has come and gone.

Anyway, it's good to hear their answer to that question. Makes it sound like they're going to pretty much get round to doing all the big names from the game eventually.

As for Riddlers glasses - I was taking a look at those pictures myself this-morning and I'm struggling to see them.... what you're seeing on the right side of the hat just looks like part of the background design to me. It's much more blurry than the hat itself. The pictures aren't very clear though so I'll reserve judgement until I see clear ones. I was one of the most optimistic people here about him having his glasses in final production, but I do have to admit to myself now that it's not looking that good in these pictures :(

Regarding Catwoman, I must be one of only a very small number of people who have always thought she looks great. 1000X better than the Mattel version in my eyes. I think the headsculpt looks spot-on. I'm sure a lot of people will change their minds on her once they see her in-hand. Can't wait to get her.

Also, Croc looks awesome here! Looks like a production sample as opposed to a proto. He's got the hinged jaw and different colouring. He's gonna be one awesome figure!






Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I was able to go to C2E2 yesterday. Thanks for the pics above. Croc was the bext of the bunch. He is almost the size of Apocalypse from the marvel legend build a figures. He's just huge. Mr. Freeze is the same size as a normal figure. I cannot understand why he is considered a deluxe, other than the sculpt detail, but there is just as much of that in some of their other figs that aren't considered deluxe. Hush is the worst of the bunch, primarily because of the headsculpt. The mouth is weird. Catwoman is awesome in person. Just awesome!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Excellent pics. Are there any of the Riddler?

I love this line.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I was able to go to C2E2 yesterday. Thanks for the pics above. Croc was the bext of the bunch. He is almost the size of Apocalypse from the marvel legend build a figures. He's just huge. Mr. Freeze is the same size as a normal figure. I cannot understand why he is considered a deluxe, other than the sculpt detail, but there is just as much of that in some of their other figs that aren't considered deluxe. Hush is the worst of the bunch, primarily because of the headsculpt. The mouth is weird. Catwoman is awesome in person. Just awesome!

Freeze gives me hope the Deluxe line will have a flat price across the board. So when we get our 13" Grundy, he will only be the same price as Croc/Freeze/Joker despite him being bigger. It makes up for Freeze being a rip off, but only benefits those getting everyone (or just Grundy :lol). But if they make Grundy more expensive, they have no excuse on Freeze. That would just be a kick in the balls.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Catwoman is awesome in person. Just awesome!
Good to hear! I had a feeling she would be :D

Excellent pics. Are there any of the Riddler?

I love this line.
You and me both! I freakin' love this line!!! :lol

Yeah, there are a few pictures of Riddler floating around. Here's a few I saw earlier. Damn shame about the glasses but he's still a great figure....

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Personally I think I prefer him without the glasses anyway. :O

And Catwoman does look better than I thought. Also all the figures seem to avoid the 'waxy plastic' look that I'd seen in some previous photos. Might've just been the lighting.

Also I love Hush's coat. Really looking forward to him.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Here's a pic of Riddler I took at NYCC last year -

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Personally I think I prefer him without the glasses anyway. :O

And Catwoman does look better than I thought. Also all the figures seem to avoid the 'waxy plastic' look that I'd seen in some previous photos. Might've just been the lighting.

Also I love Hush's coat. Really looking forward to him.
He doesn't look bad without them, he just looks incomplete. I'm sure I'll get used to it though and it won't stop me from buying him. Might even have a go at crafting some glasses for him at some point.

Yeah I know what you mean about the transluscent/waxy plastic. Hopefully all the production figures have avoided that.
Catwoman looks great in every photo to me, really can't wait to get her. I'm sure if someone stood her side by side with Mattel's version DCD's would look far superior.

Here's a pic of Riddler I took at NYCC last year -
Cool. Nice to see a good, non-blurry close-up pic for a change! :D
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I knew he wouldn't be coming with those glasses when they never showed him with them. Its just pure laziness on their part and unacceptable. At the prices they are charging us, there is ZERO reason why he souldn't have his glasses. They were a key part of his look as he had them instead of his usual mask.

And the translucent plastic they've been using is great when its the right shade. It was just far too pale on Robin and ruined that figure (along with his eyes being in two different directions :lol).