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You've got it wrong, it's make it Liefeld!

Where the hell is the collected hardcover?
Liefeld involvement aside, Moore's Supreme is the best Superman story I've ever read. If DC had the balls to go that route, I would shower them with praise.
Liked the movie, but Colossus getting his ass kicked by a woman was stupid, but I guess that's the Hollywood norm today in movies and TV weather it's mutants or regular people.
Didn't he ultimately win that fight?

Fisto makes a good point, though. Hollywood has crapped on the Russians/Soviets/Communists for far too long. They should always be stronger than westerner capitalists.
Didn't he ultimately win that fight?

Fisto makes a good point, though. Hollywood has crapped on the Russians/Soviets/Communists for far too long. They should always be stronger than westerner capitalists.

Give me a break. Has nothing to do with commies vs capitalists. Look at shows like Agent Carter, AOS and others. Every woman on the show, no matter what side she's on, can pretty much best down 4 men at once. Same in movies with Black Widow and others. I'm not saying they should all be poor damsels in distress, but come on with them ,aying waste to 10 guys at once.
Haven't kept up with this thread at all so please excuse a possible newb question - I thought this was set in the existing movie X-men universe and yet Deadpool makes reference to James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart...what gives? Howz that work?
Coz it's Deadpool, that's what he does.

Yeah that run on Supreme was spectacular. Lent it out 10 yrs ago, and need to get it back again. Just expecting it to go hardcover one day. Funny, how Liefeld has left his mark on the industry though. A legacy with swords, Cables and pouches too.
It is funny how Liefeld was really not remotely talented in hindsight, but he was responsible for the most important comic character to come out of that decade (through pure chance, as other, superior writers happened to come along and make something out of him), and in my opinion, the best comic series to come out of that decade (though he created Supreme, obviously Alan Moore made it great. But it seemed to be Liefeld's decision to bring him on).

a-dev, a big part of Deadpool's schtick has been his ability to "break the 4th wall." So, the talking to the audience stuff, understanding that he's just a character in a movie played by a real actor, etc.
I finally saw this, it was ok but I hated the love story, it was stupid and not really necessary
I'm kinda glad it didn't too much of the movie.
The origin story was cliche.
Basically I loved any scenes in the present (taxi cab scenes, bridge fight scene. X men scenes, apartment scenes, the stuff before the final scenes

Any flashback or origin stuff was as cliche as any other superhero movie, I don't know, that was boring.
The 12 months of sex stuff felt like something an immature teenager soul write about.

I don't know, I really liked the stuff after he fully becomes deadpool but I hated the origin.flashback stuff.

The final fight was pretty cliche too. The one against Ajax

It was nice to see but I don't understand why male it a love story like that.....

I think they just wanted to please the girlfriends in the audience that went with their nerdy bfs.

The game did it much much better. I liked the story in the game much more. The jokes in the game were better and deadpool was funnier.
a-dev, a big part of Deadpool's schtick has been his ability to "break the 4th wall." So, the talking to the audience stuff, understanding that he's just a character in a movie played by a real actor, etc.

I knew he talked to the camera but I didn't think it was quite like this. I really enjoyed it, just not sure how to take it if it's supposed to be the same world as the other X-men movies and yet Deadpool somehow knows that Wolverine is the actor Hugh Jackman, sexiest man alive. :lol

I knew he talked to the camera but I didn't think it was quite like this. I really enjoyed it, just not sure how to take it if it's supposed to be the same world as the other X-men movies and yet Deadpool somehow knows that Wolverine is the actor Hugh Jackman, sexiest man alive. :lol

Think of it as a 2 way movie screen. Just as we know about all the going ons in deadpools world, he knows about ours. And since the x-men movies are apart of our world, he knows about them.
Ive always felt 4th wall breaking is kind of stupid and retarded. when I watch a movie it's almost like hearing a tale, or hearing someone telling a story about something that happened.

So imagine if the person telling you a story keeps doing this:

"so I felt and grabbed the rope, But remember THIS IS FAKE ok? None of this happened, im making it up as I go.... so anyway I was hanging from the rope and i was about to fall into the river BUT REMEMBER, This is a FAKE story!..... So yeah I climbed the rope and I made it to safety, Thank god I didn't fall in the river, ....A RIVER THAT DOESNT EVEN EXIST!

to me that's how 4th wall breaking feels like every time. cant take it seriously because it keeps telling me not to
Ive always felt 4th wall breaking is kind of stupid and retarded. when I watch a movie it's almost like hearing a tale, or hearing someone telling a story about something that happened.

So imagine if the person telling you a story keeps doing this:

"so I felt and grabbed the rope, But remember THIS IS FAKE ok? None of this happened, im making it up as I go.... so anyway I was hanging from the rope and i was about to fall into the river BUT REMEMBER, This is a FAKE story!..... So yeah I climbed the rope and I made it to safety, Thank god I didn't fall in the river, ....A RIVER THAT DOESNT EVEN EXIST!

to me that's how 4th wall breaking feels like every time. cant take it seriously because it keeps telling me not to
