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Test footage was all Ryan Reynolds.

Anyway, I would prefer an R-rated movie.

But DP can also work in PG-13, hell, that's the beauty of the character, he's so self aware he can work with almost anything.

I am absolutely beyond thrilled that Deadpool has been officially announced! I'm thrilled for Tim Miller, Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick and Ryan Reynolds as well as all the guys at Blur Studio! This is a tremendous achievement for them! Rhett and Paul wrote a brilliant, and I don't throw that word around loosely, a brilliant script! Audiences are going to go on the ride of their collective lives with this film as they envisioned it! Tim Miller is a genius, he is brilliant as everyone who witnessed the leaked footage witnessed! There is so much more to come! Deadpool fans will freak out when they see all that Tim and the boys have in store for them! This is a huge triumph for all the fans that supported my work on New Mutants, X-Force over the years! The fans deserve this amazing gift from film makers who have proven they have what the fans desire! Very exciting! I know where Me and a gazillion fans will be on February 12th, 2016!"
Well I'm surprised they took it so far with the little CG short to do Reynolds' mo-cap work. I still don't think he's so distinctive that it's necessary for him to play that role, but it sounds like he's going to be involved, and it's appropriate. And words of praise from Mr. Liefeld himself!

Everyone rags on Liefeld, myself included, but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy his work when I was a kid. I bought ten copies of X-Force number 1 just like everybody else, and of course, Youngblood :lol
Did he even do an entire mini-series? I remember issue one came out, then months and months of waiting, then an issue 2 that had almost nothing to do with issue 1, and at that point I kind of lost track of the whole thing :lol
This is great news. I hope this is done right. R rating. And if they wimp out and make it PG13, include an unrated version for bluray.

It won't have a huge budget if rated R, so I'm thinking PG-13 is the most likely route, but an unrated blu ray like the Wolverine could be possible and probably what will end up happening. I just don't think the world is ready yet to support a 200 million dollar R rated superhero film yet. If it was Batman, yeah, but Deadpool hasn't been proven to general audiences yet and I don't think the studio would be willing to gamble on this just yet. Maybe by Deadpool 2?
I just read a couple of articles that said the movie will have a $50 million budget and will be rated R :lol

Edit: Nothing confirmed but lots of people are estimating the same budget and an R-rated script.
I just read a couple of articles that said the movie will have a $50 million budget and will be rated R :lol

Edit: Nothing confirmed but lots of people are estimating the same budget and an R-rated script.

Well, that's about the budget I'd expect for an R rated version :lol If true, I'm impressed they're even willing to go the R rated route out of the gate. I guess they've got nothing to lose at this point. Its not like there have been any R rated films lately based on comics that have bombed horribly :lol
Yeah, and DP is so popular I really don't see how Fox can lose with this one, even with an R-rated movie.

I can't see a DP movie making less than the 1st Sin City.
Punisher movies had $35 millions and did just fine. Well, not BO wise "fine" but they were good nevertheless.
$50 millions (w/o marketing) more than enough for DP.

We've all been wondering about why Fox chose now to annunce a release date for Deadpool, and while the overwhelmingly positive response to the leaked test footage undoubtedly played a role in that decision, it appears as if there was a lot going on behind the scenes as well. In the latest edition of the "Meet the Movie Press" podcast, the host revealed the following (at around the 22:00 mark) about some changes which have been made to the project. "I heard from the director that they finally figured out the script, and it was right before this was announced, that they figured out, and you guys are all gonna hate this, they figured out how to make it PG-13. And therefore "not lose its soul", and that' a quote, of the script so that they can make it."

Is this really the end of the world? The Deadpool comic books sell well every month, and they're not packed full of F-Bombs! As for violence, PG-13 movies seem to get away with plenty, and based on the last couple of X-Men movies, Fox aren't scared of throwing in the odd "*****" here and there anyway. It all comes down to story, and as long as Deadpool hasn't lost its "soul", there's no real reason not to still be incredibly excited about the latest comic book movie to be added to an already amazing looking 2016. Or is there? Sound off with your thoughts in the usual place!
