Super Freak

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Never a better use of this one
Never a better use of this one![]()
What are your hopes for the next movie?
-Cable&Deadpool shenanigans
-Deadpool amputation/decapitation and him putting his parts back together
-Teleportation harness (with Deadpool accidentally teleporting inside Cable)
-Less Waypool
We should really emphasize on the less Waypool. This movie would've improved a LOT with less Waypool.-A more psychotic Wade, complete with mood swings and less Waypool.
-Cable & Deadpool: It's Guy Love.
-Black Tom and Juggernaut as the main villains.
-Banshee and Siryn as the new "Colossus and TNW".
-More fleshing out in regards to his origin. Killbrew, Buttler, Weapon X, etc, etc...
We should really emphasize on the less Waypool. This movie would've improved a LOT with less Waypool.
Btw what did you think of Wade getting pegged in the butt by his gf at the beginning? Do you think it was out of character? You missed out some good stuff in this thread![]()
Just got back from seeing it. I thought it was pretty good. Sure some of the comedy is forced, but I didn't mind.
If you ask me, who cares what anyone wants? Pegging isn't my cup of tea eitherOh, I didn't miss them, believe me... As for the scene, eh, it's not my cup of tea, but some like it well enough, so I don't see the "problem". It's all subjective, especially when it comes to what turns you on. Everyone has preferences and Deadpool is notorious for being the closest thing to a pansexual. Nicieza even said so, I think. Duggan as well, IIRC. He's like the Captain Jack of the Marvel Universe. So yeah, I didn't have a problem with it. It was a nice throw-off gag that made me chuckle.
The fact that the writers had to come up with some lame kidnapping story of his girlfriend because they knew that a revenge story would make no sense didn't bother you in anyway?
Let me ask you, if you had terminal cancer and a person came along and CURED you and in the process also gave you SUPERPOWERS, would your immediate thought be to kill that person?
Of course not, you would owe them a life debt!
The writers knew this so they had to add some lame kidnapping element to this already lame movie where the humor was only 25% effective.
But i'm glad you enjoyed it.![]()
If you ask me, who cares what anyone wants? Pegging isn't my cup of tea eitherI prefer
2D anime girls.
It's about representing the character right, I don't care about the sexuality of characters unless it's essential to their personality or something. But I didn't mind DP getting it up the ass eitherPrecisely because it's in character. There was a dude here saying he was a "DP fan" and that DP shouldn't do that kind of stuff.
So far the 2 biggest comicbook buffs I know in this board have said the exact opposite, you and Kara. I also think it was perfectly in character.
If you ask me, who cares what anyone wants? Pegging isn't my cup of tea eitherI prefer
2D anime girls.
It's about representing the character right, I don't care about the sexuality of characters unless it's essential to their personality or something. But I didn't mind DP getting it up the ass eitherPrecisely because it's in character. There was a dude here saying he was a "DP fan" and that DP shouldn't do that kind of stuff.
So far the 2 biggest comicbook buffs I know in this board have said the exact opposite, you and Kara. I also think it was perfectly in character. I also threw in Nicieza's own words.
You, you realize he tortured him big time right?Btw he didn't cure his cancer.
Don't you dare saying my waifu isn't realistic.Me, I have more "realistic" standards...
What do you mean it's unrealistic? Hope dies last *********!
Has Kamala Khan already interacted with Deadpool? They have a new avengers series together no?That's one of the things I like most about Deadpool. He's sexualy liberated to an absurd point, and that's a nice change of pace from the three main types:
1) The brooding anti-hero who ain't got time for this cr@p.
2) The hopelss romantic.
3) The Macho-Man.
It makes him unique and enjoyable. Sure, there are other characters like that in fiction, but not many from the Big 2. Personally, I'm a fan of giving characters different attributes, even if I don't share all their believes or ideas, because that makes them exciting and interesting. Moon Knight's a Jewish man who dresses in a KKK-like Uniform to appease his Egyptian Bird-God. That's certainly more unique than "straight white American male fights for Justice". It's fun the first 1, 2, 5, 10, 20(!) times, but then it gets boring. I'll take the Plutonian or Miracleman over say, Hyperion any day. Or Supreme Power Nighthawk over Batman-Lite 616 Nighthawk.
Still not cured though. If someone inhibits his healing powers, and it does happen from time to time, he starts dying again.Well, his superpower is keeping him alive so cured is good enough for me, he's no longer dying from that cancer.
But even after he was given his powers, he was still tortured, a higher tolerance to pain and desperation isn't one of Deadpool's powers you know? At least not at first, in fact, because he can endure more than anyone, he can experiment more pain than anyone, even the worst cancer, that's one of the reasons he's crazy, from taking so much pain and desperation, an entire ****ing weekend tied up, suffocating without dying, do you not grasp how utterly horrifying that must be?Terminal cancer is worse than any torture he received because at least he survived the torture, he wasn't going to survive that cancer if he didn't go to that facility.
No he wasn't, he was making jokes BEFORE. He was ****ing terrified, angry and in complete silence when Francis taunted him after the torture. This was really noticeable to me, because when Wade Wilson goes serious and quiet (and he does, every once in a while), you know he's going through some **** most people (even superheroes) wouldn't be able to take. Even Wolverine constantly feels sorry for him.Besides, how bad could the torture be, he was making jokes during it.
Sure, it's a lame plot, we've seen it a thousand times, but it's decent enough for DP.Nope, lame plot just so they could show off a cool costume.
Oh rightAs far as I'm aware, Deadpool and Kamala Kahn have never interacted. I own every deadpool comic in some way shape and form and don't recall it ever happening. Unless he cameo-d in one of her comics. Are you thinking of Rogue from the new Uncanny Avengers series?