Re: Deadpool Sequel - TBD
Zoe Saldana is technically Latina. SJW and Hollywood dont really give a s-- when it comes to latinos. (Actually there was a Huge controversy when Zoe Saldana played civil rights activist Nina Simone because shes not black but latina. sjw attacked that movie.)
there will never be a comic accurate domino when they cast this girl. just dont expect it. This girl is very pretty and a very good actress but im not sure i understand the casting here. Why couldn't she play another character or the villain or something.
The actress they chose wouldn't be my first choice...not even in my top 50, since I don't even know who she is, but Ii wouldn't want her playing Domino without the makeup.
Domino is no a black woman.
She's not even a normal white woman since her skin isn't even humanly natural.
Unfortunately, society has gone full retard thanks to the SJW.
That's how you go from a Dragon Ball Z ALIEN creature that looks like this.
to NOW looking like this in the US because someone thought it was offensive
So who knows? Maybe Domino will be a black woman.
I doubt it.
Zoe Sardana is black and wears makeup in GOTG.
Zoe Saldana is technically Latina. SJW and Hollywood dont really give a s-- when it comes to latinos. (Actually there was a Huge controversy when Zoe Saldana played civil rights activist Nina Simone because shes not black but latina. sjw attacked that movie.)
there will never be a comic accurate domino when they cast this girl. just dont expect it. This girl is very pretty and a very good actress but im not sure i understand the casting here. Why couldn't she play another character or the villain or something.