Mhmmm I liked this one, I liked it a lot, yep, better than Avengers 5 or whatever it is.
Jokes were so low hanging fruit but they were so shameless about it that I didn't cringe when I heard them, some even made me genuinely laugh, self-reference was pretty natural this time around.
Action was top top notch, very good, I loved Domino, I loved Cable, the fat kid, Colossus, I loved everyone in this movie.
The scope of these movies is just perfect, nice and small, pace was great, it was even and it never got boring, the movie doesn't care that it's a pop-corn munching dumbfest and it doesn't try to insult you by pretending it is, in the slightest, it even proceeds about it in style.
Yep yep yep, better than you know, that other one.
This movie actually made me like Deadpool again, the first one made me tired of him, this one made me like the first one more and Deadpool in general, even if it was still pretty "Waypool" it was a bit more in the spirit of the character, it also had more heart since the motivation wasn't retarded like the first one.
It also looks and sounds very nice, I had forgotten that CBMs can actually look good, minus the obvious CGI which was addressed anyway.
Well done.
Very solid 7/10 for me, maybe 7.5/10
Also, the fact that the next one is Cable & Deadpool makes me excited actually.