I heard about that yesterday, neat trick. Kojima will be in the next one, probably.
I wish you didn't make me click Kotaku though. I hate those ******s.
No...that's the awful part Pliss, they completed the game. Not by choice. Remember the boot camp BS?
also people need to acknowledge that Kojima ****ed up. He ****ed up badly. Although...a new article is again pushing the 'Kojima did no wrong it was all Konami' bs:
I think it'll be buried by Konami's own stupidity, the stupidity totally separate from MGS as a whole. If they were still doing Silent Hills and so on, I think this would be a completely different tale.I'd really like to know what happened, but it will be buried under legal stuff. I'm sure Konami isn't innocent in this either, but I'm sure they had a reason to fire the biggest name in the industry.
Dafoe was the only real thing I cared about in Beyond Two Souls - Page is forever soiled in my eyes by trashing TLoU to promote her game. Which failed, because there is a god, and he grew up with Crash BandicootDafoe got scammed so I wouldn't rule anything out. Who knows what goes on during negotiations.
This is true, you can hire great actors but it's real easy to misuse them.Mads is a fantastic actor, but even a great actor can be poorly used.
See Dr Strange. What a waste of Mads.
Dafoe was the only real thing I cared about in Beyond Two Souls - Page is forever soiled in my eyes by trashing TLoU to promote her game. Which failed, because there is a god, and he grew up with Crash BandicootThis is true, you can hire great actors but it's real easy to misuse them.
Meanwhile Kurt Russel never gave that much of a fit over his likeness being stolen for the Snake family lineYeah I hated Page for that too.
Muh likeness hurrr
Page is strange...no other way to put it. Also that's what I hear, and saw, in Beyond. So yeah. Cage is weird to me anyway and those styles of games are mixed to me, though I did like Until Dawn.In the end, I actually don't understand the comparison with the final look of Ellie and Page. Similar hairstyles? Sure, but their faces are completely different and plus she's a freckled ginger. I assume Page thinks she owns the rights to looking like a teenage tomboy with side sweep bangs.
Beeyund Tuu Swoles was dog ****. Disjointed story cannot describe how terrible the game was put together. Dafoe was completely wasted in it, he brought nothing to it. I loved Heavy Rain, even with it's glaring plot holes, but I found some action sequences pretty exciting.