Destiny (Bungie's new title)

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Played for a good couple hours today with my buddy. We got as far as the beta stuff. Most of the earth along with the first moon mission. Definitely the same as the beta but I'm excited to get more gear and explore more. Sadly I'm not wowed by the game and honestly believe it was overhyped but I'm having fun and it'll hold me over until all the new releases next month.

The only thing that concerns me is that there is not enough content to keep people playing. For an MMORPG it seems like you'll be replaying the missions over and over and over again. I mean there's what, like 6 missions plus free roam on earth? Yeah there are free roam missions but they're pretty useless. Taking into account the other planets, there isn't a ton.

It's a fun game but I think bungie is smoking crack if they believe this will last years.
Played for a good couple hours today with my buddy. We got as far as the beta stuff. Most of the earth along with the first moon mission. Definitely the same as the beta but I'm excited to get more gear and explore more. Sadly I'm not wowed by the game and honestly believe it was overhyped but I'm having fun and it'll hold me over until all the new releases next month.

The only thing that concerns me is that there is not enough content to keep people playing. For an MMORPG it seems like you'll be replaying the missions over and over and over again. I mean there's what, like 6 missions plus free roam on earth? Yeah there are free roam missions but they're pretty useless. Taking into account the other planets, there isn't a ton.

It's a fun game but I think bungie is smoking crack if they believe this will last years.

I am not impress with the game so far after playing for several hours also. There is something about the way this game shoots that make it feel weird to me. The shooting seems rather boring and doesn't have that BANG BANG BANG that makes me feel powerful. It doesn't help that the missions keep sending me to the same buildings or area to do something different either. Destiny is like trying to be some kind of mixture of 3rd person view Mass Effect roaming at the wannabe Citadel
and then tries to capture the magic that is Halo outside Earth.

I am not sure right now if I want to continue to play this game right now with how lackluster it feels. I am wondering if the FPS era is coming to an end at this point. Too many years of many companies pumping out FPS games to capture that huge crowd that COD spawned.
I'm still in the beta part, but it's a meh out of 10 right now. I think there's a fun game in there somewhere, but I haven't really found it yet.
Bungie now defending itself...

LVL 20 is where the real fun is at they say...

My complaints on this game and they aren't huge:

Wish enemies would scale to you wherever you go, but since co-op in mind, a level 3 with a level 13 might find that tough.
The Grimoire cards - wish those we accessible in game, or vita had the app
Story - minimal and I know why they did this. You create your own game, with your friends. But an oldtimer like me, I love intricate plots.

Activision says that this game has shipped $500 million worth to stores (not sell thru)

Code 26 btw, apparently hidden in the CE editions

So, are they fixing the glitch that didn't give us Vangurard armor and instead gave me tons of skins for the ghost and an extra Sparrow?

Also anyone looking to play tonight hit me up DarthAsriel on PSN.
Ok so i got to this giant monster thing in the moon and its really ****ing impossible to kill lol
I got to level 8, decided I didn't like my Warlocks hair so I started again as a hunter. I love this game, I've played these same levels now about 5 times between the alpha, the beta and the character variations. There doesn't seem or be as many people around as in the beta?
I think this will evolve into something very impressive.

I love the fight together randomness of the open levels.

The Crucible is not for me though, it's just too crazy.
So last night the game became stable for me and as expected, all the errors were on Bungie's end due to server overload.
Irritating that the error codes were telling me there was something wrong at my end but whatever.

At level 5 now and playing with my brother. Fun stuff.
Just won my first Rumble match :yess: :rock

I know there seems to be a wave of negativity online right now. But I love Destiny.

There was going to be a good bit of Negativity, always is with something popular.

I will say however that quotes like "Most ambitious game ever" are ludicrous. It's a food fame built for fun gameplay but can't compete story-wise
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I know there seems to be a wave of negativity online right now. But I love Destiny.

People tend to get all worked up with video game hype and build something up nothing can live up to.

"What do you mean its just a bigger scale version of Halo with a bit of Borderlands mixed in!" :)
People tend to get all worked up with video game hype and build something up nothing can live up to.

"What do you mean its just a bigger scale version of Halo with a bit of Borderlands mixed in!" :)

I’m sorry, but that just not true, there has been more hyped up games than this that certainly meet the hype. The backlash for this game stems from all the interviews and PR that Bungie and Activision has done in the past year or so, go back and read the things they were saying about the game, they made it seems like it was going to be some sort of revolutionary game that will change the genre. So far, the game seems just good at best to most people, which is fine, but this hype came from the creators of the game, and it didn’t meet expectations in my opinion.

Look at games like The Last Of Us, that game was probably more hyped up than Destiny and it certainly lived up to the hype.
About to hit level 10, and am underwhelmed. I was a lot more impressed with Titanfall. Many of the game mechanics in Destiny, particularly the zone retread, are very reminiscent of Phantasy Star Online from the Dreamcast days.

Not saying that isn't a good thing, just that I guess I expected more from Bungie.

World, weapon, and character design is top notch though.
I think this will evolve into something very impressive.

I love the fight together randomness of the open levels.

The Crucible is not for me though, it's just too crazy.

i think you are right about that. This game is going to require some patience. There is lots to love about it. Lots to not love about it. Main one for me is the story, or lack of one. You really need to have those cards and read em. If it were up to me, there would be an ingame app or the like, so I can read the card from the game. That is number one. But, the stuff they did right, they did right. Enemies awesome. levels awesome. I suck at MP but its good.

Story is my main beef; its thin. You got more story in Halo in its first five minutes than in Destiny's first 5 hours. I hope that changes, as I am just now to the moon. i redid all the beta stuff....could not find anyone to do co-op though which was weird. i co-op'd all the time in the beta; in actual game, everyone is a level 20 now...