Destiny (Bungie's new title)

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Gamespot review is fair. I just hit level 20, and while i wish the game had a Mass Effect sized story, detail-wise, I am enjoying what we are getting. Things that need work:

No alien guns (at this time)
too few areas
lack of diverse missions
The Grimiore cards list the Alien guns, wish we had them to play with

I'm hoping we get new planets or areas on the planets we do have. Should be easy to add to the world with the way they designed it
Yeah, that review is pretty accurate IMO. Polygon's review says the same thing and that's been my opinion so far (level 16).
I wonder if the ten year lifespan thing is meant for this game. Meaning instead of Destiny 2 they'll just continue to add to this. The foundation is there it runs almost perfectly
Sorry i just dont like this game.... its just the same thing over and over again and the story is just bad. I dont find it to be the game changer people said it would be its just not my cup of tea. I mean yea they want you to wait for stuff but the missions I have now are not really all that fun its just repetetive and waiting for Tyrion lannister to open locks while you fight off enemies. Just not my cup of tea I guess.
I don't mean to sound disparaging towards the game, but it this one of those pop-culture games that is overly hyped up because it's made by the developers of Halo? It doesn't seem to have anything remotely special from what I've seen yet every media outlet is covering it like it's the best thing ever.

I'm asking because I'm kinda interested in the Destiny bundle with the white PS4, might just sell the game if it's just a fad.
Review by Gamespot:

How disappointing. I was really looking forward to this one, but it just looks like a generic shooter. Competitive multiplayer? Pshh... give me a good story campaign any day.
How disappointing. I was really looking forward to this one, but it just looks like a generic shooter. Competitive multiplayer? Pshh... give me a good story campaign any day.

Also, why is every outlet holding off their reviews? Is there an embargo? Instead, so many are posting their "Review in progress" video. What am I missing here? I don't get it. :dunno
Also, why is every outlet holding off their reviews? Is there an embargo? Instead, so many are posting their "Review in progress" video. What am I missing here? I don't get it. :dunno

It's a game that can't really be summarized in the first couple hours of play through (although considering its all the same stuff over and over, they can). Not to mention beta aside, no reviewers played the full game before it was released so they're playing it right along side their readers. Whereas reviewers usually get a game be for release and either put up the review just before the release or in regards to embargoes, the day of release.

I'm on Venus right now but the gamestop review was spot on. I'm enjoying myself but I can promise that once all those new releases hit next month, I'll probably never touch Destiny again. The game was wicked overhyped. Hopefully bungie learns from this mistake and doesn't prove that they were a one trick pony.
I'm only on level 8 and I'm. already bored of pressing X so robot Tyrion can hack a system while I protect him from waves of bullet sponges. Needless to say I think I have seen everything this has to offer and will be trading it in. How many original members of Bungie are left? Did most of their talent move to 343 studios ?
You guys are totally not helping in making this game look good. :lol

For the price they charged for this, what a rip off.

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I think they gave too much way in the BETA, now folk are complaining because they feel like they have done a lot of it before as well as not experiencing something new.

It's a great game, beautifully designed and very enjoyable. I'm hoping for more (any) story but it's still an incredibly immersive experience if you happen to join the right team of players. I love the randomness of it all. I went to Old Russia yesterday and there were huge battles going on. It's fun to not know what to expect everyday and that's what Destiny is about for me.

i'm trying to get into the game but it's not pulling me in ..

Hyped Games are flopping, Watch Dogs and this ..
I think they gave too much way in the BETA, now folk are complaining because they feel like they have done a lot of it before as well as not experiencing something new.

It's a great game, beautifully designed and very enjoyable. I'm hoping for more (any) story but it's still an incredibly immersive experience if you happen to join the right team of players. I love the randomness of it all. I went to Old Russia yesterday and there were huge battles going on. It's fun to not know what to expect everyday and that's what Destiny is about for me.

They didn’t give that much in the beta though, and if that was enough to get a feel for the entire game, then thats not saying much for the game.

The beta gave us 4 missions, one multiplayer mode with 2 maps, and I believe one strike, thats not really that much for a game that was marketed as being huge with enough content to keep us happy for years to come.

For you guys enjoying the game, I’m happy for you, but lets all be honest, this game was marketed to be bigger than what we got, which is where I think a lot of disappointment comes from.
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