Destiny (Bungie's new title)

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I’m sorry, but that just not true, there has been more hyped up games than this that certainly meet the hype. The backlash for this game stems from all the interviews and PR that Bungie and Activision has done in the past year or so, go back and read the things they were saying about the game, they made it seems like it was going to be some sort of revolutionary game that will change the genre. So far, the game seems just good at best to most people, which is fine, but this hype came from the creators of the game, and it didn’t meet expectations in my opinion.

Look at games like The Last Of Us, that game was probably more hyped up than Destiny and it certainly lived up to the hype.

From the very first announcement and the fact it was Bungie I assumed it would be an updated Halo ..what more would it be?
The big Video game developers don't really change their spots, especially when they're on a winning formula.
I'd say ultimately bungie probably doesn't even give a **** about the reviews now that they've made back their production cost in one day. I don't know how much else they spent like with advertising but I'm pretty sure they're more or less in the black now.
I'd say ultimately bungie probably doesn't even give a **** about the reviews now that they've made back their production cost in one day. I don't know how much else they spent like with advertising but I'm pretty sure they're more or less in the black now.

Its really hard to say, but if they are smart, and I think they are, they will care about what the majority of fans' think. I'd like some tweaks myself.........things that I think would improve on the grind aspect of the game.
I enjoyed the Beta and have enjoyed what I've played of the regular game, but I never once thought this game was going to be an OMG type game. That being said it is very nicely done but you can tell this game is meant to be a co-op game.
I enjoyed the Beta and have enjoyed what I've played of the regular game, but I never once thought this game was going to be an OMG type game. That being said it is very nicely done but you can tell this game is meant to be a co-op game.

Definitely a co-op game. Boring as hell to place solo.
Got to level 4 tonight and so far I'm enjoying it. Nothing captivating about the story though. I love the character armor and weapons--just want to get leveled up so I can get to some fun upgrades.
I'm lvl 12 atm, and I have enjoyed my play time quite a bit. Been playing with two friends, I think playing with them really makes the game better.
26 is max, to my understanding. Cool events coming

I think playing with friends makes a world of difference. Me and my buddy have played all 3 nights and it's a lot more fun.
I think playing with friends makes a world of difference. Me and my buddy have played all 3 nights and it's a lot more fun.

I agree...finally got some co-op going on, and having a fun time. level 18 and finally able to buy a cloak from Dead Orbit, but have to wait to level 20 to equip.
So funny thing happened. Me and two guys were playing the Moon Strike, we jumped around this legs to another side blocked by a door to revive and dead ghost. But I couldn't get back for a good bit, kept falling :lol :lol
Was it a big ledge the led to crevice where you die if you land in it? Me and my buddy were ripping around on the moon on our sparrows and I ended up flying off the edge of some cliff. My buddy said all He heard over the Mic was "******************** oh ****........Hey I found a dead ghost"
26 is max, to my understanding. Cool events coming

View attachment 133110

One of the problems I have with Multiplayer is too few people. 3v3 is way too small and makes it so much more slower

Was it a big ledge the led to crevice where you die if you land in it? Me and my buddy were ripping around on the moon on our sparrows and I ended up flying off the edge of some cliff. My buddy said all He heard over the Mic was "******************** oh ****........Hey I found a dead ghost"

Basically it was like you were on a balcony and there was a high door blocking the way so you had to jump off p, glide around and land on the other side of the balcony passed the blocked door. I managed it going but jumping and gliding back was different
My excitement for this game was lackluster to begin with and the final product has turned out very similarly. Very disappointing from such a fabled and well-loved developer like Bungie. Even their "HALO" series had more character, love and story crafted into it.

Visually, the game isn't anything special. It's a mix of "futuristic/space" styles you've seen in game series like Mass Effect, Halo, Knights of the Old Republic. The occasional landscapes are beautiful to look at but you've probably seen amazing video game landscapes before. The mechanics are sharp and the game reacts well for being a console online MMO. Credit where it's due for overall polish...because the game performs well without any screen-tearing and at a steady frame-rate.

The problem is one of've SEEN this game before (Mass Effect, Halo, etc.), you've DONE those quests before (go kill so-and-so to retrieve an item), even in the SAME big open world area (just wander over the hill to a new part of it). The story barely has any bulk or background to it either and the NPC play the typical bland quest-giver and shop-keeper roles. Why are there three races on Earth now? The Darkness? isn't that an old 360/PS3 game based on a comic book?

And then let's talk about LOOT, because it's few and far between in Destiny. After crossing bland landscapes, you're almost too bored to go look in a hut where you KNOW 9 times out of 10 there won't be a chest. And if you FIND one, usually it has like two things in it. Growing up on Diablo and the more recent Borderlands, they had WAY more loot than this.

And speaking of it...this game is going to draw comparisons...Borderlands is the closest, but what Borderlands was RICH with, Destiny completely dries out of. Borderlands had character, humor, a UNIQUE style and translated very well as an action-adventure game with RPG elements. I feel like Bungie spent so much time trying to craft this whole action-MMO-console "experience" (which isn't much since people mostly just sit around town and whatever, even WoW is livelier than this) that they forgot to hash out a compelling STORY to draw people in.

Learn your lesson well Bungie. You're going to have to work harder next time....