I guess it depends on the snake--plus getting them to do what you want.
Besides, I think they looked just fine
Besides, I think they looked just fine
No, they aren't going to release locust on the set. But your telling me they couldn't have gotten 7 snakes for that one scene? That looks even worse than the locust. I guess they wanted it too look a certain way.
But like, the mannequins on the horse...looks friggin amazing. really unnerving stuff.
My point is, either take the time to create a better special effect, or use something else.
Also, I think getting rid of harrison would be pretty cheap. Getting rid of astor and cody was totally the writers not knowing what to do with the consequences of their own writting.
Dexter is still trying to connect with something and have a family. That baby is all he's got now. He was legitimately upset when his son was sick. That's a pretty powerful thing for him. So for the sake of the writting...He really isn't/can't be the dexter from season 1 anymore. It's been 5 seasons and this is what hes stuck with.
I try not to let my expectations of what I want or what I think should happen get ahead of me. That being said, I've enjoyed the show the whole way through!
I just hope that hanks starts to be a little more interesting. The second you saw trinity in the bathtub with that victim, you knew he was going to be a tough one. So far the only thing that really stands out about him is the 4 horseman. I assume he's just getting started though.
I have no idea where they will go with this season. It always gets really intense though, that's for sure.
Yeah...it seems a little quick so far. Deb is already onto that guys mentor. Dexter has seen him as well. Maybe dexter is gonna bump heads with the new detective...doesn't wanna act to sudden and be caught by the new guy.
Not sure if dex will bump heads with this guy like he did with Doakes, the only real interaction dex has had with the new detective so far has been pretty positive, he supported him in the conference room when Quinn was being a ____ to him.
I think Quinn will continue to be the thorn in Dexter's side. I think Mike Anderson will like Dexter this season.
I still hope they would use the Dexter/Stan Liddy story! So much potential there for a great way for Deb to find out what Dexter really is.
Ya it would be fairly stupid if they never tie up that loose end!
I don't think the whole Deb/Quinn situation is enough reason for Quinn to continue pursuing Dexter, I think Dexter himself will need to do something to piss Quinn off to get that storyline going again.
So much for the "imaginary professor" theory I guess. You guys had me fooled for a while.
Im still not convinced. We still have not seen him interact with anyone. He is obviously a real person but I am not convinced that he is with Travis. I could be totally wrong but this whole season he has not made eye contact or spoken to anyone but Travis.