It's HIS life, not his wife's or his kid's. If a person wants to go, let him go, no one has the right to stop them. Why do people have to make things about them instead of the person taking his life? Selfish is making someone stay here against their will. Force someone to live an unhappy life for the sake of others. I always felt we should offer help and support to those contemplating suicide but that in the end, it's their decision. Not to mention, that if anything, taking your own life is probably one of the bravest things a person can do. Jumping out of a bridge for example, takes balls. Not knowing whats on the other side and all... scary. Indeed, it's not a decision one can make easily.
With all that said, sad news about Tony Scott

.A lot of new sources mention how much more successful his brother is, almost as if they are suggesting that's why he took his life. This is the title of one FoxNews story:
"Tony Scott had several blockbuster hits, but never matched brother Ridley Scott's critical success"