Director Tony Scott dead in apparent suicide

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Really sad news about the brain cancer which may had led to Tony Scott death. :( R.I.P

On another note, some peeps here should not be cracking jokes about this. Reference to Michael Bay is uncalled for also.
What're the alleged comments?

It's HIS life, not his wife's or his kid's. If a person wants to go, let him go, no one has the right to stop them. Why do people have to make things about them instead of the person taking his life? Selfish is making someone stay here against their will. Force someone to live an unhappy life for the sake of others. I always felt we should offer help and support to those contemplating suicide but that in the end, it's their decision. Not to mention, that if anything, taking your own life is probably one of the bravest things a person can do. Jumping out of a bridge for example, takes balls. Not knowing whats on the other side and all... scary. Indeed, it's not a decision one can make easily.

With all that said, sad news about Tony Scott :( .A lot of new sources mention how much more successful his brother is, almost as if they are suggesting that's why he took his life. This is the title of one FoxNews story: "Tony Scott had several blockbuster hits, but never matched brother Ridley Scott's critical success"

Tasteless... :monkey4
As much as i hate to defend Fox News, that's an AP article, not a Fox News piece. They chose to run the article though...

As someone who has worked for a newspaper, the headline is usually written by the writer or editor of the piece.
Holy ****! I didnt realize it was in the headline.... absolutely horrible...
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That was very courageous of your mother and she did things on her terms. It was a smart move. My Grandmother on my mom's side had a brain tumor as well. She had it removed and spent the last seven years of her life completely paralyzed. She couldn't talk, eat, move her limbs, anything. She had to have someone do everything for her. It was terribly sad. We think she understood us when we talked to her....but there was never any response.

That sounds terrible. And if she regretted the decision to have that surgery there was no way of knowing?
That sounds terrible. And if she regretted the decision to have that surgery there was no way of knowing?

There was really no way of knowing anything she was thinking. She could breathe on her own...but that was it. She just sat in a wheel chair staring off with a blank look in her eyes and a feeding tube up her nose. :( I don't even think she could cry. She did make some moaning sounds on occasion. That's really all I remember.

I was a young kid at the time - but I imagine she knew there were risks involved. She ended up having a stroke during the surgery and the doctors said that is what paralyzed her.
No, I was just trying to be funny since some of the stories seem to be changing. :monkey1

gotcha. They can be so biased at times I thought you were being honest (like a Christian).
They can both be pretty heavy-handed left or right at any given time... :monkey1
Sadly, not surprising. Too many news outlets want to be the first with a story and don't check facts like they should. In this day and age with twitter and everything else, I guess it's more important to be first than having an accurate story. What can be considered journalism today is pretty pathetic.
I think you're right. Not sure many in the U.S. have much interest in journalistic integrity in general, epitomized by the fact that an ideologically slanted "news" network kicks everyone else's ass. Used to be it was a cardinal sin in the news to report something without really crossing your t's and dotting your i's like that.
I think you're right. Not sure many in the U.S. have much interest in journalistic integrity in general, epitomized by the fact that an ideologically slanted "news" network kicks everyone else's ass. Used to be it was a cardinal sin in the news to report something without really crossing your t's and dotting your i's like that.

You ever read/heard/seen British news? Or other places where it's politically biased. We're more like the last to fall from grace. :lol
I've been to the UK, and I've seen what they've got. No worse than here. Of course, you have biases nationally across news outlets that you can't avoid. In the U.S., we're fairly pro-status quo in general, and pro-Israel in foreign news coverage. Otherwise very good foreign news sources like the Guardian or Le Monde tend to be more progressive in some ways, have some anti-American undertones, and have historically tended to be more anti-Israel. Those are inevitable reflections of culture, but you still have certain boundaries of journalistic integrity that are being eaten away across the board.
This morning my Father called me to tell me about Tony Scott's alleged suicide. I actually had the pleasure of working with him in one particular movie. My scenes were small (approximately right under a minute...and about the same for my second moment of acting) but that one scene took all day long over a period of 3 days. Other A list actors such as "Val Kilmer" and "Denzel Washington" were present during the scene and I will never forget how he treated me like an equal actor even though I was an unknown who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I cannot say how cool Tony Scott was and he really knew how to bring out the best in every actor he has worked with. I could not believe the appreciation and respect he had towards me considering I am a nobody in the acting world but still he treated me with the same respect as Denzel. He even hooked me up with a couple of really amazing Cuban Cigars which were awesome. :cool: At one point after a long shoot...he came up to me and actually hugged me and thanked me for the performance I did. Any other guy hugging me as long and hard as he did would have felt wrong...but I was definately flattered. Lol
Not to get too much into this story but my two scenes got cut out as the producer decided to make the movie rated PG-13 instead of Rated R. So my scenes were too vulgar and it was too late to re-shoot.
He told me personally he would work on finding me some more roles even if they were small...I never heard back from him but I hold no grudges. There are many people in this world and considering the 1000's of people he probably met in a single month,lol, I still feel great about the whole experience I had working with him.
Everyday on set he wore that stupid little pink hat and it appears as if he still held onto it right up to his death. I guess it was his good luck charm hat or something,lol.
Anyway once again I am glad that I got to know Tony Scott even for a very brief amount of seems as if it is usually the good people in this world that die and leave us. He was going on 70 but still finding out he had a non operative brain is not my place to judge any suicide, but in his situation as wrong as this may sound I think it was the perfect way out...knowing that he would more than likely be a vegetable and a burden to his family at that point...I do not see his suicide as him being weak.

This really does make me sad...
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