NO! Abrams, no Favereau, no Whedon. Someone else, please. Maybe step out of the usual pool of genre suspects for this...that was done to great success way back when with Kersh and ESB....
As mentioned above...leave the Skywalkers is supposed to be a big galaxy, isn't it? And that issue of navigating the EU...forget it, that current Clone Wars cartoon already just does what it wants with no concern for other events in other EU sources (comics, books, etc)...there is no reason to expect whatever Diz comes up with to be any different.
Just no "" or other already tired conventions that pass for weak originality these days. Since they are doing it, FORWARD is the way to go...not back over what's been done.
You can bet whatever it is, it's more than well on it's way into production...wouldn't be supised if casting has been started (or even done). Whatever they are doing, it's going to be near-impossible to keep it completely under wraps...let the leaks begin!