It will take all of Moffatt's alleged genius and then some to once again make them anything more than joke villains that are no better than the Abzorbaloff or the Kandyman.
The Kandyman was brilliant.
It will take all of Moffatt's alleged genius and then some to once again make them anything more than joke villains that are no better than the Abzorbaloff or the Kandyman.
The Kandyman was brilliant.
The last 2 episodes are very FX heavy
( This doesn't bode well. )
Why doesn't it bode well? In the classic series they scrimped on FX money for the lesser episodes to make sure that the really good ones had enough budget to compliment the story... Is this different now for some reason?
It makes it sound like Moffatt is gonna do exactly what RTD did and concentrate on "epic" visuals in the hope that they will distract viewers from the crappy writing.
Because 2 episodes out of 13 are gonna be heavy on effects? Not sure I see your logic... The man is an award winning writer. But maybe it is better for you to keep your opinion low so that when you do enjoy the episodes you are genuinely surprised.![]()
without the pushing of certain social agendas
Because 2 episodes out of 13 are gonna be heavy on effects? Not sure I see your logic...
I suspect he's referring to the RTD finales, which were big on effects and light on sensible plots.
Yes, how dare children learn to respect different types of people!
In my experience the more you try and force opinions on people the more likely they are to rebel against them.
Brendan you know I love you guy but you need reread that.
Some of the greatest stories ever told, especially in science fiction, are social commentary. I see no reason to discourage it in Doctor Who.
Some of the greatest stories ever told, especially in science fiction, are social commentary. I see no reason to discourage it in Doctor Who.
Many of Robert Holmes best Who stories were full of social commentary but unlike RTD he had a grasp of the word "subtle" and there was nothing shoehorned into the scripts just for the sake of getting a reference in.
I wouldn't say sensible plots have ever been a strong point of Doctor Who.