I found some info about the new series in an article on the DailyTelegraph's website,
The Atraxi from the first episode are "thuggish galactic policemen".
Amy Pond has no parents but may have an Aunt.
11's regeneration trauma will last most of the first episode.
The new TARDIS set is "roughly 3 times the size of the last one, on multiple levels with adjoining staircases. It's less grubby looking with a transparent floor on the main level and the walls are resplendent with polished copper. There are old car seats and a swing (!) on the lower level and in a nod to the McGann era the central column has a TV screen fitted to an extendable trellis. It also has an 80's style computer keyboard and a HMV style trumpet speaker.
Smith's Doctor is described as "Less prickly than Eccleston, without the slapstick of Tennant and has an air of muddled intensity that's somewhat reminiscent of Tom Baker".
My thoughts,
The new baddies sound like the Judoon = HMMM.
Amy Pond only having 1 relative should mean a reduction in the amount of time they're onscreen = YAY!
Regeneration stuff and the new TARDIS set = INTRESTING!
11 lacking the slapstick of 10 and possibly having a bit of Tom's character = YAY!
I think I need to lie down