Lt. Vulture
*Sigh* Nothing up yet here. I'll probably search around 6 Eastern and maybe I'll be more lucky.
I thought it was a great episode and a new rocking theme was a nice update. Cool little creature, wonder when a plush will be made of those little guys
And a great thing was the Catherine Tate did not make me cringe.
Great moment near the end, that was a shocker and next week pompai, that will be cool.
Yeah if she's like that for the rest of the series then my TV screen may survive after all!. Whilst being a tad goofy for my taste my niece loved the Adipose and I'm expecting one to be included with the Character Options Miss Foster figure. I also liked the nod to "Close Encounters Of The 3rd Kind" which was kinda blatant but still cool. The end bit was a total suprise and while next week looks OK I really want to get it out of the way as number 3 is the Planet Of The Ood episode and parts 4 & 5 have the Sontarans,Martha Jones & UNIT in them.
I thought it was a great episode and a new rocking theme was a nice update. Cool little creature, wonder when a plush will be made of those little guys
And a great thing was the Catherine Tate did not make me cringe.
Great moment near the end, that was a shocker and next week pompai, that will be cool.
Look like it going to be a great season and i loved the Close Encounters nod.
Hope UNIT have a Brigadier, having UNIT with out the Brigadier would be a shame.
So I really did miss Doctor Who. The lil Adipose were cute. I liked the chemistry between the Doctor and Donna. I kept saying Catherine Tate would be good and I think I was right. Sad no mention of Donna's dad though, understandable. Lastly though, WHAT IS UP WITH .... you know who! I think we are in for a very interesting series. And for the trailer for next week's episode: "It's volcano day!" Awe, he remembers Jack's cons.
I just watched the 1st episode of season 4 on youtube.
Those little fat things were cute...I wonder what sort of beasty they'll grow up to be and give the Doctah a headache!
As for the little shot of you know who...BRILLIANT!
Shouldn't that be....FANTASTIC! (lol!)
Hell no...tenth doctor = brilliant...
9th Doctor says Fantastic...
I prefer the 9th...only for fantastic though...
I wonder what the other doctors say?
Why you talk with a north accent?
Every planet has a north.....
...I ALWAYS loved that line in the pilot.