My take: The thread is labeled "Spoilers". If a person doesn't want to be spoiled they should avoid this thread. 

I like how so far things have been seeded for the season. You know who in PiC, then the Shadow Proclamation and Medusa Cascade in FoP. Wonder what we are in for next week.
Also, can we all be in agreement that PiC is fair game for open spoilers after the 25th? So that makes Sci Fi three or four weeks behind the BBC?
Her line "I dont know what children youve been flying around in space with but you're not telling ME top shut up!"
I've gotta go with Darren on this one. Donna stands up to him, doesn't fall all over him, she's more an equal (human, but equal) and puts him in his place when he needs it. Let's be honest, the Doctor always was a bit of a man-child.![]()
Yea, her unfunny, horrible, eye gouging terrible sketch, I AM biased....
...... great use of the Rome set....
wow.... some people are hard to please.
I also don't recall a single episode where the Doctor was absent for all but about 5 minutes yet on RTD's watch we've had 2 of those so far.
yes but 'Blink' was one of the best episodes... ever.
But there's no point arguing.... we can't all agree![]()
Tremas, Nyssa's father, is killed by the Master in Keeper of Trakken. Tegan's aunt is also killed by the master. Much of Hartnell's stories deal with the Doctor's relationship with his grand daughter. These are a few examples. I am sure I could pull more.
While I agree that the four part serial format lent the opportunity for character exploration, most of the time characters were quite one dimensional anyway. I think there is loads more character developement on Nu Doctor Who and I quite enjoy the "soap opera" which RTD is creating.
As I said I've not seen every single Classic story so maybe I was off in making such a sweeping statement.
As for my position on "Blink" I just don't get the point of having your main character,the one that the show's named after to begin with only appear for 5 minutes of 45. I've seen it twice and fail to see what's so clever about it and why everyone else seems to think it's so great.