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The 2 parter format is going last through the rest of the season. Then next year there is talk of a Sherlock style 3 episode season.

I don't mind the Sherlock episodic style. They at least cover the main plot, with the central sub plot implanted in each episode. The issue with 2-parters are that you kind of lose the edge (at least for me). I was thrilled with first part, now seeing the end just seemed kind of weak. That for me would be for any show in general, another reason why I feel cliffhangers suck. With so many shows you kind of stay surprised until something else takes over the gap til the new season starts.
Cliffhangers fail more often than they work. The Sherlock season 2 cliffhanger is a perfect example. Epic setup. Lackluster payoff. I think Moffitt should end it after series 4.
Very true, even if it's just for a 2 part episode being cliffhangers. I hate that CW and AMC are going so hard on these mid-season finales with some huge cliffhangers and just seem ****** when they return.

Oh God, yes. That cliffhanger was absolutely why I cannot stand that ****.
I too thought this episode was a bit underwhelming compared to the first part.

I hope that the next season isn't structured like Sherlock. That format works really well for Sherlock, because there's lots of time to establish character motivation and to develop the mystery at a pace where it isn't rushed at all. Is that really necessary for Doctor Who? Nope. The best episodes in the new series are often the ones that quickly and efficiently establish a setting, a problem, and then work towards a resolution or a cliffhanger - like "Under the Lake".
The 2 parter format is going last through the rest of the season. Then next year there is talk of a Sherlock style 3 episode season.

I'm not sure about that, I heard its almost a done deal that the next series will consist of 4 one-off specials but only if Moffett stays on. Who is likely to replace him, Mark Gattiss?
I have no idea what happens if Moffett goes. Some fresh ideas would be good for the show but not every writer knows how to be a showrunner. Doctor Who is a big ship to steer.
I've mentioned this before but I think the scene in "Rose" where he's on about being able to feel the Earth falling through space is one of my favorite moments in Nu-Who so far and his angry side that was shown in "Dalek" was awesome but they were by no means the only good bits of his run and he remained intresting right up to his regeneration.
Tonight's episode.

Yes the damn glasses got what they deserve

:lol Could almost hear the cheers of all the Who fans when that scene was on!! :lol

Reserving full judgement until next week, thought it was an enjoyable enough episode but not as good (atm and albeit by itself) as the previous ones which I think have been excellent. Might appreciate it more after seeing how it all plays out in the second part next week.

Still I enjoyed the humour and the Pompeii flashback scene, thought Capaldi - was excellent as always and of course "Reversing the polarity of the neutron flow" :yess: :rock Third Doctor reference FTW!
So we finally got the explanation for why he looks like Caecilius: "as a reminder". Was expecting something bigger, but the sentiment is nice nonetheless.
Did I enjoy that episode? No, not anywhere nearly as much as the previous episodes of this season and ive got bid reservations about Maisie Williams character and where it's going. I'm not sure I really believe that was best explanation of why the Doctor's new face is the same as that fella in Pompeii, I reckon I could've come up with at least 2 or 3 better and more Whovian explanations.
Haven't seen yesterday's episode, but I kind of just had a random thought.

I really wish we could have gotten another episode of the TARDIS with Smith. The Doctor's Wife is my favorite episode of all NuWho. Which kind of leads me to think how great it would be to have another written Neil Gaiman episode.

Such a shame, really.
Well I confess, these last two episodes with Maise Williams have been pretty sub standard. The woman who lived didn't feel at all like an episode of Doctor who.
Haven't seen yesterday's episode, but I kind of just had a random thought.

I really wish we could have gotten another episode of the TARDIS with Smith. The Doctor's Wife is my favorite episode of all NuWho. Which kind of leads me to think how great it would be to have another written Neil Gaiman episode.

Such a shame, really.

I'm pleased they didn't go back to using Idris as a recurring character. She was great once, but overuse would have ruined her.

"Biting's excellent. It's like kissing, only there's a winner."

Well I confess, these last two episodes with Maise Williams have been pretty sub standard. The woman who lived didn't feel at all like an episode of Doctor who.

Totally agree and that damn Leandro just looked like the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz.