You should check you The Aztecs. Such a great episode. The story, the acting, the writing. Top notch. The scene were the Doctor gets engaged is so freaking hilarious.
You should check you The Aztecs. Such a great episode. The story, the acting, the writing. Top notch. The scene were the Doctor gets engaged is so freaking hilarious.
Comparing production values of 70s vs 2000 is a bit unfair, but Dr. Who 70s vs most 70s shows its apparent the lack of production quality was there.
The episode where UNIT brings that tank to take out the Robot was so poor. Not only was the Robot about to fall apart, but the tank they used was like the least detailed tank model you can possibly find outside of something that fills with air and floats in a pool.
And the angles on the cameras were the same in every scene. Extreme closeups. You even have Baker having to make sure he doesn't jump higher than 2" vertically and 6" laterally when he's lunging at Davros or he might fly out of frame.
So far the show has been an enjoyable watch and look back on 70s pop, but if someone was to give me a DVD set for Christmas, I'll take the Nu-Who for sure.
Nu-Who is like most modern series,all style with little substance and compared with the best 70's stories,the characterisation,storylines and much of the acting is poor.
I'll just have to disagree. Maybe its a style thing, but the difference in acting between the gal that played Rose and Martha in the new series seem light years ahead of the companions on the various Baker episodes I've seen thus far. I also think the episodic actors are a lot better in the new show.
I'm on the last disc of the Martha series. I like Martha Jones a lot. We'll see how I like season 4 over the next few weeks.
Any Brits watching the Children in Need special tonight? Please report what you thought!!!!
Here is the Children In Need preview of the Xmas special:
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Any Brits watching the Children in Need special tonight? Please report what you thought!!!!