Yeah, even if you don't derive "joy" from something, if you are doing it out of a sense of duty, or if you are trying to alleviate guilt, then you are still deriving utility out of it. That means it isn't completely altruistic. But doing good for others, whatever the motivation, is a good thing IMO. Not sure that it matters if it is truly altruistic or not.I think it happens far less than people believe. Even if you are very helpful to others...if you are deriving a feeling of pleasure from it, it is not altruism.
If you are doing something for others when you damned well do not want to and are gaining nothing by may be practicing some altruism...maybe.
Its happens in spurts. Sometimes you have it, most of the time you don't. Some people never get it. Some people have it more often then others. But ultimately, it comes and goes. Its like gas.