Super Freak
Bone jaw on the bio was a very good idea and is one of my favorite mask designs.
I prefer the older designs, particularly Wolf. But, Berserker has the best Bio of any pred. hands down.
I'd hardly call Wolf "older."
I prefer the older designs, particularly Wolf. But, Berserker has the best Bio of any pred. hands down.
loved 'em in the movie. hate Hot Toys' interpretation of what they think they mostly look like. love the NECA figures.
With NECA, you get great sculpts but the overall figure's coolness is covered by nasty paint and poor QC.
I've grown to like them over time but I wasn't fond at first. I'm collecting both HT and Neca's figures. Though NECAs are more proportionally accurate I've come to prefer the way HT are doing them if I'm honest. Longer, thicker dreads would have been nice but Berserker is a beast of a figure, as looks to be Falconer. I think the NECA figures look a bit wimpy compared to other figures of that scale whereas the HT ones look like Arnies of their species. So quite a turnaround for me, I was one of the ones who was p!$$ed off at Berserkers apparent shrinkage, his small head etc.
I think the Predators in the movie were limited to how good the movie was and how far it delved into who they were. The movie was lazy sometimes. It was cheap too. But i liked it.
I heard somewhere the Pred dogs couldn't eat or survive on their own due to their spikes preventing them from feeding easily - hence their dependence on the Tracker for food and obedience. I liked this idea but it was never explored.
Noland dies weak. A guy the Bezerker has been hunting for many seasons, and who is a multiple Predator killer but just gets wasted by a plasma blast in a corridor is lazy.
The predators all die weak. Two of them are mortally wounded by suicide bombers, the other in sword combat, cheapens how bad ass they were or in fact aren't. The movie was clever so many times but was just as dumb.
What Predators do in life echoes in eternity...and my movie ratings.