Does anyone like the PT but NOT the SE's?

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I thought Lucas should have had Williams re-use the new ROTJ Celebration music in the PT as the Republic Theme or something. It would have made it even more powerful and meaningful at the end of ROTJ. :sigh: Another missed opportunity...

Except that even without Palpatine's help the Old Republic was corrupt and "boggedn down in procedure". No. The old republic was dead. :rip
Except that even without Palpatine's help the Old Republic was corrupt and "boggedn down in procedure". No. The old republic was dead. :rip

Fine. Make it the Jedi Theme or Skywalker Theme or something. It should have been used in the PT.
I'm an OUT (Original Unaltered Trilogy) guy myself. But the problem is, when compared to the PT there is even more of a dichotomy between the two trilogies.

But is that inherently bad? The OT films have dichotomies with *each other* so I don't see a problem with one between the trilogies. You can still follow the stories. Look at the animated Hobbit and then Peter Jackson's LOTR films. You can watch them all, enjoy them all, even follow the story from one era to the next. They're obviously different but I don't see a problem with that.

In the case of SW the prequel era is supposed to feel different so the different styles actually add to enhance that IMO.
I thought Lucas should have had Williams re-use the new ROTJ Celebration music in the PT as the Republic Theme or something. It would have made it even more powerful and meaningful at the end of ROTJ. :sigh: Another missed opportunity...

Hard to say though, because it wasn't as though the Republic was restored at the end, Anakin was saved, the Empired destroyed, but a new chapter in the galaxy was starting, probably something different from the Republic as it had it's flaws seen in the PT.

One thing I wish Lucas did was either not have Williams use the Imperial March in the PT, or put it into ANH, it just makes the Imperial themes in ANH sound out of place to have 5 movies with it in there, and 1 without it. I talked to a friend about this and I agree with him in that there is some impact to hearing it the first time in full with the Star Destroyers in ESB, but I just like when parts of a whole have strong unity, and the Imperial March is one of the themes that unifies much of the saga but for ANH.
Hard to say though, because it wasn't as though the Republic was restored at the end, Anakin was saved, the Empired destroyed, but a new chapter in the galaxy was starting, probably something different from the Republic as it had it's flaws seen in the PT.

Even better then.... that could have been used in the PT as the theme for the Jedi Order. Imagine hearing that theme in TPM, AOTC and ROTS in scenes at the Jedi Temple and council and then at the end of ROTJ. We would then have a musical signification that the Jedi have indeed returned and the balance of the force has been restored. :lecture

But, alas, Lucas is shortsighted past things that tickle his personal fancy, like retarded singing CG creatures and farting camels. :banghead
Even better then.... that could have been used in the PT as the theme for the Jedi Order. Imagine hearing that theme in TPM, AOTC and ROTS in scenes at the Jedi Temple and council and then at the end of ROTJ. We would then have a musical signification that the Jedi have indeed returned and the balance of the force has been restored. :lecture

But, alas, Lucas is shortsighted past things that tickle his personal fancy, like retarded singing CG creatures and farting camels. :banghead

You know, as it is, I can't see that theme, but Williams being the genius that he is, could probably make it more moody and I can almost picture what he'd do and I think it would have sounded fantastic. It is surprising that Maul, Sidious, Padme and Anakin, Luke and Leia, and Darth Vader all had themes, yet nothing was ever really done for Obi-Wan or the Jedi Order, interesting.
The cloud city stuff (minus the pointless Vader/star destroyer scene) is a perfect example of what the SE's should've been.

I agree with the spirit of your post but ironically I find most of the Cloud City "updates" to be the some of the most jarring and irritating. There's lots of "now you see 'em now you don't CG enhancements." Like when Han and company walk down a corridor and past a brand new window with an elevator going past outside as he walks down a short flight of stairs to meet Lando for dinner. Then Vader shows up and they cut back to Han as a bunch of Stormtroopers converge at the top of the staircase behind him--but suddenly the new window and elevator are gone. I hate things like that.

My "perfect version" of the OT is the original versions but with matte boxes and transparencies removed, and that's pretty much it.
My "perfect version" of the OT is the original versions but with matte boxes and transparencies removed, and that's pretty much it.

It is stunning how great the Rancor fight is after the final cleanup they did for the DVD release.
Lucas should have just cleaned-up shots and left it at that. The extra stuff that was added stands out like a sore thumb. Especially Jedi Rocks, the Jabba scene and Greedo shooting first. But I also didn't need to see the Rontos or the little spy droids (or whatever they were) flying around. It just makes me more aware that they weren't in the OUT (or whatever you want to call it).

The one addition I did like was the Wampa. It was cool to see more of that, but not necessary.
Maybe it's just that it's one of my earliest childhood memories watching that space opera 30 years ago (wow) but the first time is always the best.

Oh, and

Way I look at it is they've put out enough disc in different version that we can all enjoy it the way we want.
My "perfect version" of the OT is the original versions but with matte boxes and transparencies removed, and that's pretty much it.

Absolutely agree! I would love to see a restored and remastered version of the originals, complete with cleaner composites and corrected color/contrast (the Rancor scene on the new SE DVDs is fantastic!).

I know the point of the DVD SEs was to bridge the trilogies, but no amount of conspicuous CG and out-of-place voice overs (I'm looking at you Boba Fett) is going to accomplish that. He made sure that the saga would never really feel cohesive while writing the PT. With all of the kindergarten humor and winks to the audience, he managed to steamroll over the story framework established in the OT, sacrificing subtlety and humanity in favor of bigger explosions. He did end up with three really awesome ILM commercials though.

At the very least, I wish Lucas would give us anamorphic transfers of the OUT on DVD.
I was watching Starship Troopers the other day and you know it didn't seem like the special effects in the prequels were that much better.
The only change I don't like is Greedo shooting first.
At the risk of getting 'force lighteninged, I would like to see a revamp of the Ben Vader fight. Dooku was old and did the back flip off the stairs, Yoda was 800 and spun all over the place, Grievous was a cyborg and he was super agile, Jocasta Nu was old and she did that acrobatic porno video...