Does it really matter if someone likes a movie or not?

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Does it matter?

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candyman, candyman, candyman..
No. I just find it amazing that a select group seems to hate almost everything. Not quite everything, but almost.
No. I just find it amazing that a select group seems to hate almost everything. Not quite everything, but almost.

Maybe *they* just hate everything you like? Doesn't mean they hate everything, just that you have opposing opinions.
Vive la différence..
Maybe *they* just hate everything you like? Doesn't mean they hate everything, just that you have opposing opinions.
Vive la différence..

No, they hate things I don't like too. I have no issue with disliking something, but I don't understand the incessant need to post 200 times in a thread to bash something over and over. Not to mention some show up in dozens of threads bashing stuff over and over so it at least has the appearance that they don't like very much.
No, they hate things I don't like too. I have no issue with disliking something, but I don't understand the incessant need to post 200 times in a thread to bash something over and over. Not to mention some show up in dozens of threads bashing stuff over and over so it at least has the appearance that they don't like very much.

Everything said here is irrefutable fact and is exactly what I think. :goodpost:
It only bothers me when the same people keep returning to a thread and bitching about a movie that they saw and didn't like or didn't even see. Why bother?
liking a movie is not bad,
the only problem I see is when die hard fans will deny any problems with a movie. obvious problems (Because it implies that you are stupid or you are lying about the movie)

I think it is interesting because sometimes it means fans are willing to completely ignore Obvious problems with movies,
I know nitpicking is stupid, yes, but some movies have gigantic problems that most people see.

Also, some movies are made because the studio didn't want to lose the rights,
or because a studio wants to cash in on what is popular (like the Twilight rip offs)
or a studio wants to make a quick buck by making a sequel because they know the old fans will pay to see it.
(OR A writer/director had a good idea for a movie, he had passion and everything, but some careless executive ruins it by changing everything about it to make more profit)

there is no passion behind some movies,
there is no vision or good reason to have them be made... some movies are made for bad reasons.
Obviously ALL movies are made to make money (Duh) but you can make a product to make money And STILL have passion behind it.

people can like whatever they want, but it gets annoying when defending a movie goes so far that people start to deny logic or reason.

It's like, a fan's love for a franchise or director gets so bad that they won't even accept bad things that EVEN the creators of the movie Acknowledge
one example

Right now the JEM and the Holograms movie came out, it is the kind of movie I am talking about,

made for a quick buck.
made to cash in on the 80s Nostalgia (cash in on the transformers craze)
Made to create buzz for a new toyline of Jem dolls for girls
made for little to no budget
given to a director that never heard of it before
Didn't even use ANY of the songs from the cartoon

they Didn't even BOTHER to Contact the creator of the 80s Cartoon
(The creator of the cartoon made a Script for a movie. she Actually Wrote a movie and Hasbro rejected it.... Like I said. a person that HAD Passion for the project wrote a script, she was willing to accept low pay and they REFUSE to do her story)

and what happened? they changed Everything that made the cartoon fun. the new movie barely resembles the cartoon.
they ruined a property that thousands of people loved.

they had a chance to revive the Jem property and instead of trying to make a GOOD movie for fans and newcomers,
they decided to appeal to young teens with a 90 minute commercial for youtube...........................:lol

movie flopped, taken out of theaters after 2 weeks, cost 5 mil and didnt even make its budget back, fans are furious... Total and Complete failure.

and then you have the apologists cursing everyone out because "the movie is so awesome guys!"

people that deny any problems or say that any criticism is just "troll hate" lol are they wrong for liking it? No... but why try to force everyone else to be blind about how awful it was?

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Lots of peps in this section really get their jimmies rustled over others liking or not liking a movie.

Does it really matter?

Zero $%^&s given.

You already know the answer to this my friend.
one example

Right now the JEM and the Holograms movie came out, it is the kind of movie I am talking about,

Didn't even know Jem came out let alone a community of them enough to generate a blip of an outcry.

But what matters is if you liked the movie or not. Not the quality or heart or intentions of the creator.

Favorite =\= Best

Deloreans are junk, yet popular because of a movie. Death Wish 3 is poorly made, yet an awesome watch. Peps will list Age of Ultron as the best movie of the year when it isn't. There Will Be Blood is said to be the very definition of quality but nothing about it interests me enough to watch it. SW:TFA looks to be quality made, yet just a retread of ANH.

You already know the answer to this my friend.

Yup :)