Does it really matter if someone likes a movie or not?

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Does it matter?

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Fair enough, but having fun being an ***hole is always lamer than having fun not being an ***hole.
There's nothing lame about being a lovable ***hole.


Every ***hole knows this and therefore the anonymity of the internet is their preferred venue for socializing in any capacity.
Then let's talk like real men!

Fair enough, but having fun being an ***hole is always lamer than having fun not being an ***hole. Every ***hole knows this and therefore the anonymity of the internet is very appealing and often times is their preferred venue for socializing in any capacity.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm not "calling out" people who have disagreed with me personally and painting them all as losers or whatever. I've disagreed with pretty much all of my best "friends" here on this very board and they're all cool guys. I'm more speaking to the overall culture of the internet which unfortunately rears its ugly head here quite often.

There are people who are such big fans of things that after they're done talking with in person friends they take to the internet to continue chatting with others remotely. Then there are the folks who HAVE no real life friends and simply take to the internet to make up for their inferiority complex by trashing things others like. And that's lame and pathetic and unfortunately is not really anything that can be "fixed" other than carefully picking and choosing the sites and threads to participate in.

There are obviously other "types" of people who frequent the internet (everyone isn't a full blown lover or hater, many are just casually passing the time and get sucked into the amusement of clever pontificating which unfortunately just encourages those who get off on such behavior.)

I just love talking movies... And if I am in the minority either way I like to discuss it more... It's no fun discussing a universally well liked film or hated films. I like a little drama.. I am also not afraid to admit when I am wrong because my opinion changes about a film/s (see the Hobbit thread).

I just have fun stating my opinion and defending that opinion. If others disagree no big deal. I will still defend my point of view and as long as others play nice then so will I :)
I am also not afraid to admit when I am wrong because my opinion changes about a film/s (see the Hobbit thread).

Wha...? I've long abandoned the Hobbit threads. Are you saying that you ended up liking the films? I only remember disappointment from you when they were released.

I just love talking movies...

Me too, but only with the right people. I'm over hearing the "opinions" of pompous dopes who wouldn't recognize a well constructed film if it smacked them upside the face. I'm probably just "too old" for it but I really relate to Woody Allen cringing in line while listening to the loudmouth behind him in that one scene in Annie Hall. Did Woody turn and condescend to engage the ********* with reasoned discourse? No. The only antidote is to just shut your ears the best you can and leave the presence of such individuals.

Every once in a while I'll walk into a comic shop to browse or pick something up and some person will be at the counter going off on how this or that sucked or whatever. More often than not I have to roll my eyes as to what they're bitching about. Do I stop, introduce myself, and get into a back and forth with them, repeating back specific sentences they said and refuting them? No, HELL no. But it's what we basically do here. Why? I don't talk movies to anyone who will listen offline, I only engage with those whose personality and opinions I respect.
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Wha...? I've long abandoned the Hobbit threads. Are you saying that you ended up liking the films? I only remember disappointment from you when they were released.

I have watched all three extended versions back to back over the past week.. Dividing them all in half watching them over six days... I really enjoyed them.

Are they perfect... Nope... But I really enjoyed them. I still have issues but the EE fix some of my issues and watching them back to back helps me view as one long mini series as opposed to 3 individual movies.
Me too, but only with the right people. I'm over hearing the "opinions" of pompous dopes who wouldn't recognize a well constructed film if it smacked them upside the face. I'm probably just "too old" for it but I really relate to Woody Allen cringing in line while listening to the loudmouth behind him in that one scene in Annie Hall. Did Woody turn and condescend to engage the ********* with reasoned discourse? No. The only antidote is to just shut your ears the best you can and leave the presence of such individuals.

Every once in a while I'll walk into a comic shop to browse or pick something up and some person will be at the counter going off on how this or that sucked or whatever. More often than not I have to roll my eyes as to what they're bitching about. Do I stop, introduce myself, and get into a back and forth with them, repeating back specific sentences they said and refuting them? No, HELL no. But it's what we basically do here. Why? I don't talk movies to anyone who will listen offline, I only engage with those whose personality and opinions I respect.

I am the same way. However depending on the film I might engage with that "comic shop" guy but for the most part I just like discussing film with those who can be civil one way or the other. I like to discuss film with those who know its all subjective and don't get offended on weather I like a film or not. I have no issue with them defending their point of view. Just don't belittle others because they disagree with you. It's why I like talking film with you and Jye4ever, as well as others.. It's like talking to my friends in real life.. You get it and feelings are never hurt.
Fair enough, but having fun being an ***hole is always lamer than having fun not being an ***hole. Every ***hole knows this and therefore the anonymity of the internet is very appealing and often times is their preferred venue for socializing in any capacity.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm not "calling out" people who have disagreed with me personally and painting them all as losers or whatever. I've disagreed with pretty much all of my best "friends" here on this very board and they're all cool guys. I'm more speaking to the overall culture of the internet which unfortunately rears its ugly head here quite often.

There are people who are such big fans of things that after they're done talking with in person friends they take to the internet to continue chatting with others remotely. Then there are the folks who HAVE no real life friends and simply take to the internet to make up for their inferiority complex by trashing things others like. And that's lame and pathetic and unfortunately is not really anything that can be "fixed" other than carefully picking and choosing the sites and threads to participate in.

There are obviously other "types" of people who frequent the internet (everyone isn't a full blown lover or hater, many are just casually passing the time and get sucked into the amusement of clever pontificating which unfortunately just encourages those who get off on such behavior.)

I like this post

If you don't like a movie to the point of hate
you are a friendless loser whose opinion doesn't matter or count "aka the typical virgin nerd stereotype" or just an **hole

If you on the other hand love a movie to the point of blind defending and obsession then you are a swell guy that is just having fun and loves talking about movies with their real life friends. I can see that ( loving things makes you more friendly and more likable)

The only problem I have is this difference

When someone hates a movie, they will trash and attack the movie itself in an argument

When someone loves a movie, they will mostly end up defending the movie by attacking and trashing the hater himself.

I have seen that a lot. Some of the worst insults I've seen were from someone trying to defend something. Feels like when someone takes a hit at a movie the fan will make it personal and take a cheap shot at the person themselves

So Fans can be a loving bunch but I don't agree that's all roses and peaches
Personal attacks shouldn't be ok just because you "love something" no matter how much of a swell, sociable guy you are.

If you need to attack a person in order to defend what you like.... Well...

Just saying
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On the net... you're not allowed to like movies that the majority don't like and you are not allowed to like a collectable that the majority doesn't like and certainly not allowed to pay a certain price for a collectable that others deem too high. :)

Now I'm off to enjoy the PT's before the new crap SW film comes out! :rock :lol
I have watched all three extended versions back to back over the past week.. Dividing them all in half watching them over six days... I really enjoyed them.

Are they perfect... Nope... But I really enjoyed them. I still have issues but the EE fix some of my issues and watching them back to back helps me view as one long mini series as opposed to 3 individual movies.

I like that you have the attitude of *wanting* to enjoy movies (even it turns out that you don't) to the point of giving certain movies extra chances and trying to watch them with a different mindset. Respect.

I've tried doing that many times with the PT, and I've really found that the only way I can gloss over the deficiencies is to kind of do what you did with the Hobbit trilogy, blaze through them as part of a marathon deal. Mostly because of AOTC. That movie can be just horrid if you really take it on its own and let it soak in. :lol But I do think ROTS is decent enough and TPM is fun enough that if I kind of sandwich in AOTC the whole prequel thing can be enjoyable. But I've always been quite forgiving when it comes to those movies because, well, Star Wars.

I recently revisited Superman Returns to see if I could appreciate it more after all these years and I really did! Until the final 20 minutes. :( Which actually made the finale that much more disappointing to me because I was really thinking that the whole film was solid and that it'd be something I'd get to enjoy again and again. I don't know if I can think of another movie off the top of my head that was so decent for 3/4 of the film and then took such a steep nosedive.

I like this post

If you don't like a movie to the point of hate
you are a friendless loser whose opinion doesn't matter or count "aka the typical virgin nerd stereotype" or just an **hole

If you on the other hand love a movie to the point of blind defending and obsession then you are a swell guy that is just having fun and loves talking about movies with their real life friends. I can see that ( loving things makes you more friendly and more likable)

The only problem I have is this difference

When someone hates a movie, they will trash and attack the movie itself in an argument

When someone loves a movie, they will mostly end up defending the movie by attacking and trashing the hater himself.

I have seen that a lot. Some of the worst insults I've seen were from someone trying to defend something. Feels like when someone takes a hit at a movie the fan will make it personal and take a cheap shot at the person themselves

So Fans can be a loving bunch but I don't agree that's all roses and peaches
Personal attacks shouldn't be ok just because you "love something" no matter how much of a swell, sociable guy you are.

If you need to attack a person in order to defend what you like.... Well...

Just saying

"If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs the one that yips is the one that got hit." Something to think about crows.
I had an idea, and im serious not even sarcastic.

Wouldn't 90% of fights end if they made two threads for every movie ?
a I LOVE --- and a I HATE ----?
Im serious, if you hated Terminator then you would have your own echo chamber to share how much you hated it. If you really loved it you would stick to the thead where the fans are .
that would eliminate most arguing because if a person came to the love thread and started to hate, the mods could warn them to stay away. same goes the other way around.

then, there would be no more arguing. I know it sounds like a joke but having two threads would eliminate confrontation because you wouldn't have to see posts you didn't like
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I had an idea, and im serious not even sarcastic.

Wouldn't 90% of fights end if they made two threads for every movie ?
a I LOVE --- and a I HATE ----?



You might be on to something. ;)
It would end arguments, but it would not be healthy. Conflict aversion is the road to stagnation and death. Then we'll have zombies and this forum has never know that level of carnage. You know the survivors won't go down without creating an astronomical bodycount first.


You might be on to something. ;)

but, wait, that can represent either side...
I thought the haters were the virgin basement losers who won't respect anyone's opinions. that makes it sound like it can be either way.
I think the point is to put all of the children who cannot respect a difference of opinion in the same thread. Like a playpen. Then the adults can enjoy their own thread in relative peace. There will still be bruises, but there sure as **** will not be any tears.
I like this post

If you don't like a movie to the point of hate
you are a friendless loser whose opinion doesn't matter or count "aka the typical virgin nerd stereotype" or just an **hole

If you on the other hand love a movie to the point of blind defending and obsession then you are a swell guy that is just having fun and loves talking about movies with their real life friends. I can see that ( loving things makes you more friendly and more likable)

The only problem I have is this difference

When someone hates a movie, they will trash and attack the movie itself in an argument

When someone loves a movie, they will mostly end up defending the movie by attacking and trashing the hater himself.

I have seen that a lot. Some of the worst insults I've seen were from someone trying to defend something. Feels like when someone takes a hit at a movie the fan will make it personal and take a cheap shot at the person themselves

So Fans can be a loving bunch but I don't agree that's all roses and peaches
Personal attacks shouldn't be ok just because you "love something" no matter how much of a swell, sociable guy you are.

If you need to attack a person in order to defend what you like.... Well...

Just saying

It goes both ways though.
I had an idea, and im serious not even sarcastic.

Wouldn't 90% of fights end if they made two threads for every movie ?
a I LOVE --- and a I HATE ----?
Im serious, if you hated Terminator then you would have your own echo chamber to share how much you hated it. If you really loved it you would stick to the thead where the fans are .
that would eliminate most arguing because if a person came to the love thread and started to hate, the mods could warn them to stay away. same goes the other way around.

then, there would be no more arguing. I know it sounds like a joke but having two threads would eliminate confrontation because you wouldn't have to see posts you didn't like

It wouldn't work. There will always be people going into the other thread just to stir up ****. That's what I've been saying all along...if you've watched something and you hated it, why do you bother to keep going into a thread just to keep saying you hate it and repeating the same things over and over and over again?

Same with figures......but it happens all the time. I only concern myself with what I like, not what I hate or consider garbage.