Hello, Fellas
I really appreciate your great concern and interest. Actually I didn’t even expect that I could get this much love from you guys. However I think I have a little problem this time. Well, as you all knows or even guesses, there are VIP members who have bought every single works of mine. I believe their all interest and concern for my works would be the same as the others but I thought I’d better gave them a little benefit, which only VIP members can be able to have a pre-order in advance.
Normally, I used to sell 5 to 8ea because not every VIP members can have the same interest. However, (unfortunately) most of VIP members have already ordered almost 20ea of my work (Lebowski) this time! I was also very surprised by these excessive orders.
If I take all the orders from VIPs, I don’t think I can sell the rest of him to you guys. So, even if I can’t keep my words that I make 20ea only, I’d better not let you guys to be disappointed.
So, now I am asking you guys about quantity raising up to 30ea from 20ea. Mind if I add 10ea more of Lebowski this time? I would like to know your opinions about my decision. Honestly, I could have added more without any pre-notice but I am not that kind of person!
It’s been almost 3years since I made this type of figures. Once I decided I made 20ea only, then I kept my word so far. Even couple buyers said they could have pied more, I have never took it.
However I like to have the only exception this time. Well, I don’t know how many more people would like to order Lebowski on this March 19th , I would like to give them another chance to get him.
What do you guys think about it?
#Lalla help me for this letter~^^