Dude by Rainman

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This is a first and so we really should cut the guy some slack!
I don't think anyone is on Rainman's case here. Surely, none of us are entitled to anything. This is his proposed project, which he may pursue as he pleases. I, for one, was just trying to do as he asked and give some of my thoughts on the issue at hand.

I do hope to have a shot at this (or, barring that, the head and clothing set). But if not, no big deal. :)

I have to agree. It is unfair to think you are buying 1 of 20 at a certain price, then after you have purchased the number made is increased by by 50% yet the price paid remains the same. :thud: In addition to the quality, the rarity is part of what makes these figures desirable.
Cool! Then you support the idea of Rainman giving refunds, and making the order tomorrow a free-for-all? :hi5:
To become a VIP member you must have spent a certain amount on Rainman products. I'll let Rainman say that number if he'd like but it's more than just a few full sets in value so if you're VIP you've made an investment.
As a principle, I do not support the changing of an agreement/contract once money has been exchanged. :peace Maybe he will consider changing his VIP rules in the future?
The amount of money VIP members have spent warrants their opinion more significant than a first time buyer IMO (I'm not a VIP). The chances of a first time buyer becoming a VIP member is less likely than a VIP member staying a buyer. While Rainman is in control of the situation it's his VIP members that have allowed him to continue to fund his future projects so I personally think he needs to email those members privately and have a "board meeting" and ultimately come up with the solution himself. I know if I was a VIP member I wouldn't want one time buyers having any say in the matter just based solely on what they already paid for and what they thought they were getting along with the amount they've already invested in Rainman products.
OR, he could just increase the number of fullset to 30 (like what Arnie, kojun etc usually do for their own project ) and not release the other clothing + head set etc.
Im confused, he's seems to be saying that VIP memebers if they got a shot at this before anyone else, would buy them all and no one in the general public would even get a chance? How is that fair?

Also somehow I doubt that there are 20 people that own every figure he's released, but I don't see how if he hasn't made anything that has interested other people how it's fair to new customers. Frankly nothing Rainman has made so far has warranted me spending $700 until this figure. I should have to buy figures I don't want to remain important enough to get the figures I do want when and if they come along? :dunno Sounds unfair and a very bad way to grow your fanbase.

In fact I can safely say if there is only now 10 figures available that is complete and total bull____.

I sold rare stuff to get money for this with the expectation I would have a 1/20 chance of getting this figure, I'm really ____ing pissed that I now have a 1/10, maybe if I'm lucky? WTF DUDE?!
Hi guys,

Just read the new developments. My take:

I also see both sides, Rainman is in a tough position. I do see that this introduces a challenge for future work though. If there are already 20 VIPs getting a Rainman figure, and we keep the limited run of 20, then any other highly desired figure (which I am sure there will be more) will basically only be available to VIP members, and only those 20 give or take a few. I see that any new VIP members in the future wont have a chance unless the edition size is increased. Therefore, I recommend that if the number stays the same, the Rainman exclusive fullset should not be offered for pre-order to the general public if they are taken by VIPs. In other words, Rainman fullsets will be VIP exclusives unless a few remain of the 20.

It is unfortunate to not get a chance to own a fullset figure of this awesome character but the clothing set will suffice if that is what is left, but you are definitely getting what you are paying with the fullset. This would have been my first.

We are all still getting some form of the "Dude" in this case, and that is what counts.
To Deckard's post, I think that's the tradeoff, and why I don't completely agree with Wofford. Whether or not new customers become VIP members, new customers are a good thing in general, and should be accounted for in some measure IMO. Rainman said that, usually, 8 or 9 VIPs will order whatever he puts up. That means that most VIPs don't get everything. Which means that there is certainly room to create new VIPs who may be just as vigorous a Rainman collector in the long-run. For some, they never saw the right character from the right license. For others, they are newer collectors who weren't around for Rainman's stuff previously. For others, they may now have funds that they didn't have before. Whatever the reason, I do think the potential for growth in Rainman's business is strong and that relying exclusively on VIPs wouldn't be the best idea.

However, this guy doesn't run a typical business. If he starts jacking up edition sizes too high, then guys who collect because they want rare things may well get turned away. Then, Rainman would have a whole slew of new concerns, as his business model and customer base would fundamentally change.

I don't think 30 vs. 20 does that, but surely this is something for Rainman to think about.
Heres something for him to think about, I sold my ____ing Arc Generator under the impression 20 of these were available, now it's maybe 10 if I'm lucky?

Why the ____ weren't we told this upfront?! Total ____ing BS, if thats the case I will never deal with rainman again.
I would like to add that I'm not adverse to the addition of more figures, only that it should be a discussion and decision made by Rainman and his VIP members.
Kind of a bummer, as I also sold stuff hoping to get one of these. But apparently this policy has been in place for awhile, and wasn't a real secret, so I guess we now know for sure.

In any case, as I said before, this is Rainman's business and figure. But I think it is good for him to know that some are put off by the lack of an opportunity here, and that this could hurt his future sales.
Deckard, just some perspective, when Rainman started, half of the edition was usually sold to the South Korean customers first. A few days later, everyone on this board, OSW and any other boards who were interested could try to purchase whatever was left. After the first half dozen or so figures, Rainman established a VIP preorder instead of the South Korean presale, as a way of thanking those repeat customers who have spent so much. Obviously, Rainman's popularity has increased as he has made more figures and more new members have discovered his stuff. Also I'm not positive, but I don't think all 20 have been sold yet.
Maybe one way to address this issue is to offer a further exclusive item (like bowling ball/rug/something else) to the VIP Fullset of 20.

And then do another 10-20 Fullset but without that VIP item for the general public.

Just a thought.
And heres the last thing I'll say,


It was advertised as such on a public forum and website. I didn't get wind of it from a private email sent to a single person. I should have to buy figures I don't want to remain important enough to get the figures I do want when and if they come along? Bull____. /

and if indeed these are sold out and I sold my Arc for ____ing nothing, I am going to be suprememly more pissed then even now.
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I think Buttmunch made that suggestion waaaay back in the beginning of this thread :lol

The main problem here is that Rainman underestimated interest from the get-go, methinks, or he would have just jacked up the ed. size to start with.

To me, this is somewhat analogous to Entropy's issue with changing around their agreement. Though it may have been common knowledge to some that pre-orders would be allowed for a select few, I didn't know about it. You didn't. Others didn't either, I'm sure. Maybe Rainman could make that clearer on future sales to avoid any backlash.
Maybe one way to address this issue is to offer a further exclusive item (like bowling ball/rug/something else) to the VIP Fullset of 20.

And then do another 10-20 Fullset but without that VIP item for the general public.

I was thinking the same thing. Give the 20 what was promised but perhaps do another "set" that's not quite as complete as the "full set" but isn't as thinned out as the "head and clothing" sets either.

Sort of like an Exclusive version and a Regular version and then the 'parts' version.

One good thing about all this is that I don't have to sweat missing my chnace now while I'm out at dinner. Not quite the way I wanted to be 'taken out' though.