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Re: Dutch PF

Hi I'm new to sideshowtoys I have place a order just now but do they take a depoist on wait list or after converts?

They take the deposit after it coverts and you have a 48 hr window to cancel before the deposit is charged. I just had Cobra Commander convert and was charged the NRD two days later.
Re: Dutch PF

600 is good. Glad I got my PO in!

Yes, 600 is great. Much better than the 2000 on Indy Jones.
And I don't get the people who said " I don't need the cigar, so I ordered the regular".. They are the same price, so why not get the exclusive? What, the box is going to be too heavy, now that it has the exclusive part in it?
Go figure.
Re: Dutch PF

Yes, 600 is great. Much better than the 2000 on Indy Jones.
And I don't get the people who said " I don't need the cigar, so I ordered the regular".. They are the same price, so why not get the exclusive? What, the box is going to be too heavy, now that it has the exclusive part in it?
Go figure.

I think they buy the regular from 3rd party retailers where they can save an extra $30. That's what I do when I don't really want the EX.
Re: Dutch PF

Well, maybe people save $30 now, but usually the exclusives worth at least 25% more on the aftermarket. I always try to buy the exclusives just because I never know if I will have to sell them sometimes. It happened in the past and will happen again that I will have to sell something, due to personal financial or change in collecting habits reasons. An exclusive, although more expensive, is a better value in the long run.
Re: Dutch PF

Well, maybe people save $30 now, but usually the exclusives worth at least 25% more on the aftermarket. I always try to buy the exclusives just because I never know if I will have to sell them sometimes. It happened in the past and will happen again that I will have to sell something, due to personal financial or change in collecting habits reasons. An exclusive, although more expensive, is a better value in the long run.

$30 saving or a rad alt profile with a stogie?
Re: Dutch PF

$30 saving or a rad alt profile with a stogie?

He means save 30 or have a cool alternative head

Exactly. That was my reason for getting the exclusive.
But I also was stating an opinion on exclusives in general - Even if someone doesn't like/need/whatever the exclusive, still it's not worth saving 10% when buying because the exclusive is a better value in the long run. That, plus the Sideshow points.

But anyway - It's a great statue either way, and I am happy the trigger was pulled soon enough to get the exclusive.
Re: Dutch PF

I understand if you from Vladivostok and orders from SideShow,you will pay 15% on this 17% on that, VAT here VAT there etc... :rotfl

But if you're from USA I don't see the point of saving 10% and not getting the EX and the Reward Points.:slap

Actually you're not saving 30 bucks,because SideShow shipping is the cheapest around,so the other guys might charge you 10 bucks more or something.:cuckoo:
Re: Dutch PF

Of course it converted, it was never sold out in the first place.
Re: Dutch PF

Cool, my waitlist converted today too!

I did want him I just hate how under the new system they annouce the ES and then mark it sold out, no heads or anything.
Re: Dutch PF

outside of the Vampirella comiquette pre-ordering this was a no-brainer. Best Ahnuld flick of all time. followed by kindergarten cop and Twins!