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Re: Dutch PF

Maybe its me, or maybe are the new pics, but I think he looked better before. He looks older now to say at least.

This must be the final factory piece sample from China.

Fortunately the previous pics are around everywhere, I've made a few before/after shots, what do you think guys




Cigar is a bit wonky now by the way


Nice comparison pics. :)
Re: Dutch PF

The cigar doesn't make any sense to me.

He looks all serious, maybe he heard somthing..then someone runs up and shoves a sausage in his mouth.
Re: Dutch PF

The cigar doesn't make any sense to me.

He looks all serious, maybe he heard somthing..then someone runs up and shoves a sausage in his mouth.

You can envision him stalking through the jungle with a cigar in his mouth, he hears something off to his left, pauses and looks over. Granted a real special forces operative probably wouldn't be chomping on a cigar while in the field, possibly aiding the enemy in tracking them. Its not film accurate either but the cigar smoking is part of his character so I guess they wanted to put it in there one way or another.
Re: Dutch PF

Well...whatever that is hanging out of his mouth, it doesn't painted or casted to be cigar.

This on the other hand, is a cigar.
Re: Dutch PF

I don't know if it's bad lighting, but he looks horrible in the new pics, glad I didn't order. Even the EB figure looks great in bad lighting, so :dunno
Re: Dutch PF

You can envision him stalking through the jungle with a cigar in his mouth, he hears something off to his left, pauses and looks over. Granted a real special forces operative probably wouldn't be chomping on a cigar while in the field, possibly aiding the enemy in tracking them. Its not film accurate either but the cigar smoking is part of his character so I guess they wanted to put it in there one way or another.
I agree..I just don't think they captured the look well. It just looks..goofy to me.

Maybe it's because of how long it is and how he has it positioned in his mouth (oh gawd :lol).

Maybe it should be a bit deeper in his mouth..because it just looks like the normal sculpt, but with the cigar glued on or somthing.
Yeah, I think that's it.

..maybe if it was drooping down a bit more

Idunno :lol
Re: Dutch PF

His clothes do look aton cheaper and i doubt its the lighting on this. I like how in the old pics,his shirt looked kinda worn and dirty towards the neck, now it looks like a brand new super clean shirt,and his vest looks so super cheap
Re: Dutch PF

guys relax, it looks like his eyes make him look older because of the shadows in the new pics. Everyone knows they have bad lighting in alot of their pics. Wait to see in hand pics before going nuts.