Premium Format Dutch

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Re: Dutch PF

Pics are interesting. All I can say is the factory better not mess this up!
Re: Dutch PF

Over head lighting is the big difference, plus more high/low angle on the shots. Shadow always brings out more detail in a sculpt.
Re: Dutch PF

I don't get it why did they change the pictures? Old pictures are much better :dunno
Re: Dutch PF

the stubble is more prominent so are the lines on the face, am a bit dissappointed, but lets see, not cancelling my ex
Re: Dutch PF

Cigar is a bit wonky now by the way


How did......How can they mess up on that? :slap :mad:

Re: Dutch PF

Hmmmmmm.....suddenly his clothes don't fit him and his vest looks seriously cheaper. :dunno
Re: Dutch PF

I hope that is just bad lighting on the new photos, but it is odd that Sideshow would post new pics. The head shape looks different to me, but maybe it is just due to the paint apps which don't look as good as the original proto did. If Sideshow f's this one up, I am done with pre-ordering.
Re: Dutch PF

I hope that is just bad lighting on the new photos, but it is odd that Sideshow would post new pics. The head shape looks different to me, but maybe it is just due to the paint apps which don't look as good as the original proto did. If Sideshow f's this one up, I am done with pre-ordering.

It may be tweaked a bit but it's 100% a case of different or bad lighting.
Re: Dutch PF

Im chilling tonight sipping on ciroc, lemonade, and welch's grape while watching Predator, Dutch is pretty tan on this movie...Arms are Massive (like mines lol)..So the new pic are kinda accurate........I may be wrong but im still buying it
Re: Dutch PF

Im chilling tonight sipping on ciroc, lemonade, and welch's grape while watching Predator, Dutch is pretty tan on this movie...Arms are Massive (like mines lol)..So the new pic are kinda accurate........I may be wrong but im still buying it

Wanna mix me up one of those too? :lol