Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics
I'm inclined to agree. Yes the lines are there but the damn smooth skin otherwise, the inferior paintjob and possibly the PERS contribute to him looking younger in spite of those lines.
I haven't seen it in person (I will soon), but age is reflected by more than wrinkles on the face. If you put a few lines on a 15 year old's face, his face will still look young. This Arnold looks too "fresh faced" to my eyes for the period he is supposed to represent, and I've seen enough pictures to get a pretty good impression I think. In fact, he still look younger than a Conan/Red Sonja/Commando/Predator Arnold probably would, but those were at least 4-5 years prior to T2. Plus, you can do some paintwork on the head to hide the age issue a bit better. Just my opinion, but the T1 sculpt actually looks like an older guy than this DX sculpt does IMO, despite having fewer wrinkles I guess.
I'm inclined to agree. Yes the lines are there but the damn smooth skin otherwise, the inferior paintjob and possibly the PERS contribute to him looking younger in spite of those lines.