I've had a eureka moment tonight. For a long time I've been wondering how to get a DX10 head onto this lightweight truetype that I've been using on my Harley (using a lighter truetype so as to avoid putting too much stress on the fragile Tamiya bike):
As you might be able to tell that's a NECA headsculpt above and although a very good low end sculpt it doesn't quite gel with my high end stuff - the DX10 head being a natural replacement.
So for ages I've been looking around at other lightweight bodies that could fit a DX10 head on them, with no success. It really does seem like the only body the DX10 head fits is the DX10 body. And I've just realised tonight, all I need is the upper torso sheath and internal neck adapter from a DX10. I was recently experimenting putting one of the upper torsos of an MMS117 body on top of the body of a smaller truetype to beef it up (which has become the new body for my movie poster T1) - I don't know why I didn't make the connection to my Harley figure until now.
But that's it, I'm finally going to have my Harley figure
looking like a DX10 but having necessary lightness and added poseability. Of course its gonna mean spending more money though.