1/6 DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

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I never even thought of that :lol thanks for clearing it up. Looking through my bag of accessories I'm not seeing a clean left trigger hand. Was there definitely one with the DX10? I must have misplaced it if there was.
yeah i didn't think about the throttle too, thanks to FlyAndFight for clearing that out.
as for the hand, i dunno, i definitely found some, but where did i get it - from DX10 or from MMS117 - i don't remember today.




p.s. googled. yes i'm pretty sure it's an MMS117 hand, the one in upper right corner:

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yeah i didn't think about the throttle too, thanks to FlyAndFight for clearing that out.
as for the hand, i dunno, i definitely found some, but where did i get it - from DX10 or from MMS117 - i don't remember today.




p.s. googled. yes i'm pretty sure it's an MMS117 hand, the one in upper right corner:


So I guess I need an mms117 or find some spare hands to display it properly. I have ZYTOYS bike so not as screen accurate as the one you have there but still looks pretty cool. Beautiful display you have there, I like the way you have him sitting naturally on the bike. I'm not finding that easy to achieve :lol The DX10 jacket can be stiff and difficult to work with to.

I just realised that Thrustmaster pic is one that keeps popping up for me on google images :clap looks like a movie still, stunning work man.
you showed the best of the sculpt with that set of photos.
i think you should post them again :)

thanks buddy. i actually don't like to re-post something as i'm not comfortable to put the same picture up again, but happy you've liked it :)

Thrustmaster's posing and pics always were top-notch.

well you know, hearing that from you means every time a lot to me. do you have any pictures of your whole collection? would love to see that one :)

I just realised that Thrustmaster pic is one that keeps popping up for me on google images :clap looks like a movie still, stunning work man.

ha that's cool. never seen any of my pics on google images :D what have you typed in that it let popping it up? and thanks so much for your kind words :hi5:
ha that's cool. never seen any of my pics on google images :D what have you typed in that it let popping it up? and thanks so much for your kind words :hi5:
i can tell you why it is so, though it wasn't a question addressed to me: may be you never leave comments in the same post with your pics?
for example i often give some movie-crossing description to mine, and as a result i often see them in google while searching for movie stuff.
as for you pic, i found it while looking for "other pictures like this" among movie screenshots, which only proves that Google didn't make a difference between movie shots and your photo :clap
To get him sitting naturally is it easier with either or both feet on the floor? I'm finding it difficult to get his ass to go all the way down in the seat :lol

ha that's cool. never seen any of my pics on google images :D what have you typed in that it let popping it up? and thanks so much for your kind words :hi5:

I just typed 'dx10 terminator 2 bike' and some of your pics were always on the first few rows. All linked back to this thread. I'm obviously using google.co.uk so not sure if that makes any difference.

Don't know if its your lighting, the way you pose them, great photography or a combination of all three but he just look so life like in those pics.
To get him sitting naturally is it easier with either or both feet on the floor? I'm finding it difficult to get his ass to go all the way down in the seat :lol
for that purpose i removed the foot pegs of mine, it makes legs shorter and boots more willing to take different positions. try that.
for that purpose i removed the foot pegs of mine, it makes legs shorter and boots more willing to take different positions. try that.

That does make quite a difference, thanks for the tip! Can safely say I would have never thought of that.
Got a body/pants/t-shirt combo from ebay, just received today - the T-shirt has weird stains on it, not reported or pictured in the listing. Perhaps it had been packed away ready for sale and the stains developed without the seller being aware of them. Pants seem a bit 'dry' in places aswell. The seller is in Malaysia.

I dunno, what would you guys do? The important thing is the body and pants really, I wasn't depending on the T-shirt. And I'd be weathering the pants anyway...
Got a body/pants/t-shirt combo from ebay, just received today - the T-shirt has weird stains on it, not reported or pictured in the listing. Perhaps it had been packed away ready for sale and the stains developed without the seller being aware of them. Pants seem a bit 'dry' in places aswell. The seller is in Malaysia.

I dunno, what would you guys do? The important thing is the body and pants really, I wasn't depending on the T-shirt. And I'd be weathering the pants anyway...

Is the seller koeloon? I know the guy since I'm from Malaysia myself. He's a good seller, it's probably an honest mistake. Why not send him a text?

If not, I'd say it would be a perfect time to commit to fully weathering the T2 figures. The DX10 outfit is ridiculously shiny and mint that he ends up looking like a Ken doll. :lol
Is the seller koeloon? I know the guy since I'm from Malaysia myself. He's a good seller, it's probably an honest mistake. Why not send him a text?

Hah! Yes it was Koeloon. And come to think of it I've had similar stains on items I bought from other sellers in Malaysia in the past - must be a climate thing?
Hah! Yes it was Koeloon. And come to think of it I've had similar stains on items I bought from other sellers in Malaysia in the past - must be a climate thing?

Yup, humidity is a pain in @$$. I've had figures that I've barely touched, kept inside glass cabinets stuffed with silica gel, that still rotted away for no reason. It's not like it happens to every figure though- all of my 8 Terminators are fine.. so far. :lol
After having the MMS117 and the DX13 and skipping this one, I finally broke down and picked him up. Spent a good portion of last night reading through some of this thread, which provided some good insight as to what to expect. Looking forward to adding him to the T2 collection.
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Yup, humidity is a pain in @$$. I've had figures that I've barely touched, kept inside glass cabinets stuffed with silica gel, that still rotted away for no reason. It's not like it happens to every figure though- all of my 8 Terminators are fine.. so far. :lol

It's actually a little bit more disappointing than I realised - the belt is so dry that it's coming apart/tearing if I try to remove it or adjust it. The pants feel very inflexible like they'll burst if I try any sort of non-museum pose. I could live with the T-shirt because it wasn't my main draw but the pants and belt were important. They were the specific thing I needed most and they're otherwise hard to get these days.

I don't post these to smear the seller because, as I've said, I reckon this probably isn't his fault but here's pics anyway:

I'm not sure I can accept this. I know from experience that the DX10 belt is normally more resistant to damage than this and the leather isn't normally so dry looking (and feeling) and then obviously the T-shirt is not one that I would use because of that staining - except if I were turning it into a BD T-shirt to use on a DX13.