Seriously doubt Eaglemoss will make this available in the US. Eaglemoss does a lot of other magazine and figure (or other small collectible) and they have been doing the LOTR figures for 7-8 years I think. All the figures are smaller than 4 inches and cast from lead, really nicely sculpted too.
I had to track down all the figures I wanted by going on Ebay UK and finding the figures I wanted and getting them shipped to the US, and lead is heavy and the shipping was really expensive for these things. Or get someone in the UK to subscribe to the figures for you and send them to you every few months.
The only other problem I had with the figures is that they are made from lead and many tiny weapons and helmets were bent or broken during shipping. Also, the paint app on the figures from the factory line in China leaves much to be desired. Paints are very dull and sloppy because of the small scale. Amazing how much better the figures looked after repainting them with some miniatures paints like Vallejo!
I've got about forty or fifty of the LOTR Model and Chess figures for sale cheap myself if anyone is interested in a fun weekend project repainting the figurines.