EBay Is Just So Damned Horrible ...

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Well since my thread got closed the other day I suppose I'll update my fiasco in here. The dude finally calmed down with the crazy requests and sent payment and I shipped the Predator out. I have my fingers crossed that when it arrives next week I'll never have to hear from him again.
Trying to list something and I get this:

Since sellers are responsible for making sure their items are delivered safely to buyers, a listing can't include information like:

“I am not responsible for the item once it’s dropped in the mail.”

“I am not responsible for lost or damaged items.”

If your listing includes this kind of info, please edit it before posting it on eBay. Otherwise, this could prevent you from achieving eBay's Top-rated seller statusor could get you removed from the program

For more info, see our selling practices policy.

I can't make sure it arrives safely, all I can do is pack it well and carry insurance.
Well the dude made the paypal payment today after saying that he's had problemswith paypal and wanted to send a M.O... :lol

I was about to relist tomorrow good thing he made the payment tonight :rotfl
He probably really didn't want to let it slip away since it was such a good deal. I can actually understand some people being scared of Paypal, but it is a necessity in this day and age. And whatever the case, bidders have to read the auction descriptions and stick to their agreement if they bid.
That's enter-taaaiiiin-ment :rotfl !

Although I don't get it -- If you watch, you should be interested. And if no one bids, you should be more compelled to place a bid!
It's like "Ooh, this is a cool piece. I'll get it if the price stays low..."
(A few days later)
"Oh, look! Still no bidders and it's ending in two minutes! Guess I'll have to pass. Bummer."

Many of the "watchers" are other sellers tracking prices...usually when they have the same item for sale.
Trying to list something and I get this:

Since sellers are responsible for making sure their items are delivered safely to buyers, a listing can't include information like:

“I am not responsible for the item once it’s dropped in the mail.”

“I am not responsible for lost or damaged items.”

If your listing includes this kind of info, please edit it before posting it on eBay. Otherwise, this could prevent you from achieving eBay's Top-rated seller statusor could get you removed from the program

For more info, see our selling practices policy.

I can't make sure it arrives safely, all I can do is pack it well and carry insurance.

Boy, eBay just gets more and more stupid as the months go on. :rolleyes:
Many of the "watchers" are other sellers tracking prices...usually when they have the same item for sale.

They are also the ones that look through your listing looking for improper things and report it for it will be removed.
You best ship with Sig con for this one....:lecture

He probably really didn't want to let it slip away since it was such a good deal. I can actually understand some people being scared of Paypal, but it is a necessity in this day and age. And whatever the case, bidders have to read the auction descriptions and stick to their agreement if they bid.

No ____ to both cases, that thing is gonna be tracked by me daily.

I'm prolly not going to leave feedback on this guy though because of the hassle. I usually don't leave any fb if it's gonna be negative, it's like the rule if you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all. :lol
No ____ to both cases, that thing is gonna be tracked by me daily.

I'm prolly not going to leave feedback on this guy though because of the hassle. I usually don't leave any fb if it's gonna be negative, it's like the rule if you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all. :lol

I'm in the same boat with my current problem. I keep checking my shipping tracker to see when its gonna arrive. He's probably gonna be pissed that I put signature confirmation, but its in the auction description so I have no problem telling him to STFU.
I'm in the same boat with my current problem. I keep checking my shipping tracker to see when its gonna arrive. He's probably gonna be pissed that I put signature confirmation, but its in the auction description so I have no problem telling him to STFU.

Whenever someone sends me something that is sig confir, I don't get angry I just realize that the person really wants to make sure that it ends up in my hands. I don't get ppl that get angry over that...
Problem is, if you do, he can leave negative feedback and as Skiman says, the most you can do is abstain. Or give him a positive rating with a negative review that few if any will read.
anything against the rules of ebay if i tell 2 "best offers" that they bid the same thing and I'll decline both offers and whichever has the highest in the morning will win?
Trying to list something and I get this:

Since sellers are responsible for making sure their items are delivered safely to buyers, a listing can't include information like:

“I am not responsible for the item once it’s dropped in the mail.”

“I am not responsible for lost or damaged items.”

If your listing includes this kind of info, please edit it before posting it on eBay. Otherwise, this could prevent you from achieving eBay's Top-rated seller statusor could get you removed from the program

For more info, see our selling practices policy.

I can't make sure it arrives safely, all I can do is pack it well and carry insurance.

Boy, eBay just gets more and more stupid as the months go on. :rolleyes:

Actually, the sellers that put that info in their auctions in the past have been wasting their time. Sellers have always been fully responsible for their items reaching the buyer in the condition advertised. The Paypal agreement overrides the disclaimer, whether the seller likes it or not. That's why it's 'the customer is always right' on ebay.

The best thing to do is to charge enough in the shipping to make sure there is enough leftover to buy insurance on every item you sell, because the seller is absolutely responsible for the item being 'as described'.
Actually, the sellers that put that info in their auctions in the past have been wasting their time. Sellers have always been fully responsible for their items reaching the buyer in the condition advertised. The Paypal agreement overrides the disclaimer, whether the seller likes it or not. That's why it's 'the customer is always right' on ebay.

The best thing to do is to charge enough in the shipping to make sure there is enough leftover to buy insurance on every item you sell, because the seller is absolutely responsible for the item being 'as described'.

Word :lecture