EBay Is Just So Damned Horrible ...

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nope, purely automated. I think eBay is run by terminators and there is zero human presence there, on chat or on the phone.

I seriously dont see anyway to contact a real person. Maybe possible in the past, but not anymore. Please prove me wrong.
that's not live chat, that computer generated responses and it didn't find a match for my concerns.

It's impossible to speak to an ebay rep, via chat or the phone.

Go Customer support in the upper right, then choose contact us, then selling, then shipping and then on the right there will be a "call us" link giving you a pin #.... but be aware you might get a complete knuckle head on the phone....
Found the paypal, once it gets deeper to question she cannot answer it forwards you to a real rep on the chat.

Go Customer support in the upper right, then choose contact us, then selling, then shipping and then on the right there will be a "call us" link giving you a pin #.... but be aware you might get a complete knuckle head on the phone....

Thank you, exactly what I needed.
Just got done with chat. I'm sorry, I'm not willing to eat the $30 fee. If anything, I'd make his life as inconvenient for him as he has made it for me. But not yet, I'm trying to work it out.

For now, I've emailed the buyer and told him that unless he can confirm his paypal address, I can't proceed with the transaction. Ball is in his court. If he confirms his address, then I should be protected as long as I have tracking on the package (it would be shipped to Mexico).

I also saved the chat log for my records in case anyone is really bored.

20:03:13 sunfun_az
Initial Question/Comment: Selling
20:03:18 System
Thank you for contacting eBay Live Help!
20:03:18 System
Please hold for the next available Live Help Agent.
20:03:48 System
Jhollyghar has joined this session!
20:03:48 System
Connected with Jhollyghar
20:03:52 sunfun_az
20:03:58 Jhollyghar
Hello. Thank you for contacting eBay Live Help. My name is Jholly. May I please have your first name?
20:04:04 sunfun_az
20:04:28 Jhollyghar
Hello, Scott. How may I help you?
20:04:46 sunfun_az
I recently sold this item: 300519565918
20:04:57 sunfun_az
and the person who won has zero feedback
20:05:16 sunfun_az
which concerned me. he took forever to pay, and I filed an unpaid buyer dispute...
20:05:42 sunfun_az
he finally managed to make payment after I told him I would only ship the item to a confirmed paypal address...
20:05:48 Jhollyghar
I understand that you have sold an item and your buyer did not pay. Is this correct?
20:06:01 sunfun_az
he finally paid today
20:06:14 sunfun_az
but his paypal is to an unconfirmed address
20:06:28 sunfun_az
I've been scammed by people with an unconfirmed address in the past
20:06:35 Jhollyghar
I see. While checking on this, do you have any other issue that you need help with?
20:06:39 sunfun_az
I do not want to get scammed again
20:06:46 sunfun_az
just this
20:06:52 sunfun_az
I would like to refund hismoney
20:06:57 Jhollyghar
All right. Is this the item, "Hot Toys Original Predator 1_12" Action Figure_Unopened?"
20:07:11 sunfun_az
20:07:21 Jhollyghar
Have you tried contacting your buyer?
20:07:28 sunfun_az
I would like to refund his money and not be charged the final value fee by eBay
20:07:47 sunfun_az
I emailed him back telling him I wont ship to an unconfirmed address
20:08:10 sunfun_az
I do not trust the buyer and think it may be a scam waiting to happen
20:08:13 Jhollyghar
Did he respond to that email?
20:08:18 sunfun_az
not yet
20:08:39 sunfun_az
can I just cancel the transaction and refund his money and not be charged the eBay fees
20:08:42 sunfun_az
20:08:58 Jhollyghar
I suggest that you contact him first through phone for him to confirm the address. I will walk you through on how you can request for the phone number of your trading partner so that you can call him immediately. Would you like me to give you a walk through on how you can do that?
20:09:59 sunfun_az
Through the emails that he has sent me, and the fact that he does not have a confirmed address, it doesn't matter if I talk to him on the phone. I do not trust him and do not want to ship to him at his unconfirmed address
20:10:08 Jhollyghar
Your best option is to contact your buyer and ask if he or she can confirm the PayPal address. You can do that with a quick email or phone call.
20:10:45 sunfun_az
if he confirms his address, am I protected as a seller in case he tries to pull a scam and says he never received it?
20:11:18 Jhollyghar
Okay. If you want to file a Cancellation of transaction, I suggest that you sent your buyer a message informing him that you will need to cancel this transaction and you will issue a refund on his payment.
20:11:52 sunfun_az
where and how do I cancel a transaction? Will eBay still charge me the ~$30 in final value fees?
20:13:03 Jhollyghar
If you will ship this item, I suggest that you avail for the tracking information so that you have evidence that you really shipped the item. You can get a Final Value Fee credit if you cancelled this transaction. However, your buyer has to accept the request for you to receive the credit.
20:14:14 sunfun_az
But since I already filed a "unpaid buyer" claim, and he finally made payment a couple weeks after the auction completed, I don't think I can cancel this anymore. I already tried to file a dispute and it wouldn't let me, said the case was closed.
20:15:43 Jhollyghar
I see. Please contact your buyer to confirm his address. After that, please avail for the tracking information of the item so that you will have evidence that you have shipped the item, in case the buyer filed an Item Not Received case. The case will be in your favor if you have a tracking number and it is shown as delivered.
20:16:32 sunfun_az
okay, I guess I will attempt this. I'm going to save this chat text for my records
20:16:45 sunfun_az
Do I have to ship if he never confirms his address?
20:16:53 Jhollyghar
Yes. Please take note of the advise that I have given you, okay?
20:17:05 sunfun_az
Do I have to ship if he never confirms his address?
20:17:28 Jhollyghar
You can ship the item. Most unconfirmed addresses aren't fraudulent, and shipment to a confirmed address is not a requirement for coverage under PayPal's Seller Protection policy. You can learn more about that policy here:
20:17:46 sunfun_az
okay, thanks
20:18:23 Jhollyghar
You are very welcome, Scott. It鳠great to see that you have received quite a number of good feedbacks. We certainly hope that you鬬 receive more of these. I appreciate that you are doing business thru the site.
20:18:43 Jhollyghar
I魠happy I was able to help you today. Thank you for contacting eBay Live Help. We sincerely appreciate your business. Have a good night!
20:18:51 sunfun_az
Good night
Yeah, even when you get a person they can be fairly useless.
I once had an Ebay rep tell me that the the buyer threatening me would be banned, only to have the NEXT rep I spoke to say she was wrong and refuse to connect me with the original rep even though I had her employee # and name.
Just cover your own ass as well as possible. Personally, I would eat $30 and take a neg rather than ship to an unconfirmed address in another country.
Good luck, Mesa!!!!
Yup, get the rep's word in writing there is a good call as well.

I remember I copied, pasted and got the rep's name and ID once a while back as well.
I was about to say that you can actually ship to an unconfirmed address and still be covered but then read your transcript and it's in there anyway.
I went through this recently (shipping to an unconfirmed addy) and it all worked out but I did the homework first to make sure I was covered if I were to send the item.

To be honest though from all this drama I wouldn't bother sending it. Just refund the guys money, send him a message explaining and also send a 'cancel transaction' notice. The only thing is that he needs to agree to cancel the transaction for the reasons you state in the message. If he does not, then you will not get your fees back.

If I were you I would just stop the drama, refund his money and forget about the $30, it's just not worth all this hassle, then re-list item.
That's what I would do anyway.
Hope it all works out for you :duff
x :wave

Paypal will cover you if you ship to an INTERNATIONAL un-confirmed address now?

This whole time it was my understanding that the whole purpose of a confirmed or un-confiremed address is that paypal will give seller protection only to 'confirmed' addresses.

With an un-confirmed international address the buyer can simply file a claim to paypal saying that they never received the item and paypal would automatically side with them... This is the same thing as if a buyer asks you to send the item to a friend's address because they are buying them a surprise gift or something to that effect. There's no way for paypal to see that the item was actually delivered to the buyer.
If it were me Scott, I'd send the buyer a mutual withdrawl notice. If they accept it, then Ebay will credit back all you fees and the transaction will be canceled.

Tell him you can't ship to an unconfirmed address and that you'd like to mutually withdraw from the transaction.
MESA Tell the buyer that it got damaged (dog, dropped the box in a puddle when it was raining.......) and its crap now. Refund his $$ and ask for a mutaul withdraw. He is going to get it if you ship it and say you sent him "the wrong item" then your out $400-$500?
Mesa, i think you're just a little bit too paranoid. If he payed you, you're covered by paypal (if you have a tracking number to prove that your item got to him). Regarding the unconfirmed address, only addresses from USA can be confirmed. I'm from Europe, i'm unconfirmed, and i've made trades with guys from asia and europe (so, they too unconfirmed) with no problem, paypal working just as usual in case of problems.
eBay id jkmi16. Block him for your own health. He bought a custom skull for 4 bucks and is giving me crap for it no being there after 4 days. FYI he is in Germany and I am in the US.
Even though I state no international shipping and have it blocked from my auctions, I just had a buyer in from Lebanon purchase an item and get around that by using a freight forwarder address in New York. Then he tells me his paypal has limitations, and for me to suggest a way to pay with his AMEX.

Of course he has 0 feedback, which is my fault for not setting a certain qualifying number for feedback for the auction. I never did it before cause I didn't want to exclude new users, but as this is now the second time it's happened, and the other time the international buyer also had 0 feedback, I guess I'm going to have to start.
My ebay issue with "ghost770404" is finally resolved. This guy did make payment, I was skeptical about even shipping, as were many of you who read my story, only to find out that his paypal address was not only "non confirmed" but also "invalid" meaning he entered it incorrectly so I would have to edit it if I were going to ship him the predator, which I absolutely was not going to at this point. I'm fairly certain that once you change the address the buyer entered, you are disqualified for seller protection. What a friggin headache.

I became less and less polite the more I had to deal with this idiot. At one point he wanted me to try and contact ebay and paypal so I could figure out why his address wasn't being accepted.

Glad it all over now. Finally he entered a claim, which I was fully expecting, and through that process I was at least able to recover my final value fees and paypal fees, so basically everything is squared away now, the case is closed, buyer has been refunded, and I'm out only a few hours in correspondence.