Super Freak
You're probably better off looking at your Paypal history, but that won't have everything.
Yeah that's not gonna have the dude that retracted on the auction at the last day...

Oh well.
You're probably better off looking at your Paypal history, but that won't have everything.
A superhero wouldn't back out of a contract as this guy would advocate.I mean really, a bidder/buyer should drive the price high, back out of a purchase, and he is doing the seller a favor!?
Lack of protein clearly has detrimental effects on the brain.![]()
stop replying to blackthornone and wasting your time. this guy is living in his own fantasy world which is a retarded one. i mean come on...the guy thinks that superheroes wearing spandex are real...![]()
That would be akin to shill bidding. Sellers sometimes do that for themselves. If a bidder does it, than that would benefit the seller without the seller committing fraud. As far as what a superhero would do, a superhero would not back out on a contract for an item at a fair price, but if the price is unreasonable, that could be construed as evil, and thus the superhero might be morally obligated not to pay that. Of course,people make mistakes, and I used a comma a couple times in a bid instead of a period. One time it was too late to change. it was like a $7,500 bid instead of a $75 bid. Fortunately it only went to $71. Another time I bid more than that, and had to retract. Ebay is mostly a place for bargains, where people buy things for less than they would at a store. A lot of sellers forget that and think they are consigning with Sotheby's instead.
Is there anyway of looking back all the auctions from the previous year or does eBay not store that information, I think that is just retarded that all your transactions, bought and sold are not saved under your profile?
... but if the price is unreasonable, that could be construed as evil, and thus the superhero might be morally obligated not to pay that.
Added to my list.![]()
Duuuude, please let me borrow your cape and take my wife out to a nice steak dinner; that is sooo totally going to work!![]()
same here, thanks!!
Here is my list:
8thman, ahmadah, bgreen443, crazysurfer, da_iceman_72, fabpiant, hobotron,, jdandan0919, lifesizefigures4u, papichulotitan, rubyslipperjo, rx, scrawneywhiteboy, soundwave272000, stardustdragon, vivero06
Here are my tools:
123hewatt, 256alison-bates, abreebree, adamb821, alexanderave, bowtiecollection, catracholoco713, cellwanger81,, cilencio1, cleve9111, damon_ana, dmjohns88, elementsk8er948, enrique1382, hellfireta, jedimaster71472, jlowlor123, josh5531, justinrhonda701, lamia1805, lowlightjoe, mchavic07, mikehoe702, noelshooters, pbandit87, phillip0576, rd1979ss, rockero48, ronnyberry1, stevenichols21, stroberts44, terry.currelley, timo9, king darkness
Poor, poor SkimanI personally wish we could all sign a petition to get certain members banned from our message boards.
They're just jealous of your MOTUC collection, Skiman. Don't let them get you down.