Super Freak
Are you asking Matt, or me? Either way, you can find links to both our auctions in the commerce section.![]()
to much work to find the links.

Are you asking Matt, or me? Either way, you can find links to both our auctions in the commerce section.![]()
to much work to find the links.![]()
I know I did have to retract a bid once, but it was because I read the description better and realized the item was incomplete. I apologized to the seller and let them know it was my mistake, they were cool about it.
For the second time in a week I have had a bidder retract a bid hours and now in this case days after placing it.EBay is becoming so unfriendly to the seller that it is just ridiculous, how do they allow a buyer to cancel bids with no recourse days after their "commitment" to buy an item? All the bidder has to do is say that they entered the wrong amount, in this case 6 days later and there is nothing a seller can do about it? ____ eBay, so much for a contract to purchase ....
PS -One ********* cancelled his bid on my item only to bid on p!tu's at .99
Thanks for posting. 2 more added to my blocked bidder list. EBay sucks for sellers. Then on top of the general, seller unfriendly policies, I just had to pay those bastards $50!They were the buyer/bidder: feb_ulous626 and rome_325
And, as a buyer, I can kind of understand the mindset. Using a retail analogy, if I go into Target and buy a product, and then take it home, only to find a Walmart ad that advertises the same product at a lower price, I will head back to Target, and ask them to either price match or give me a refund. I think that many people view ebay as a large online shopping mall. If they bid on your item, but then the same item pops up a day later in a buy it now auction, and at a lower price, it doesn't surprise me that they don't realize they are essentially breaking their contract with you. They just want the item at the lowest price.
If you can't cancel a auction in the final 24 hours, you shouldn't be able to cancel a bid during that period either!
I get that Chris actually, that is a good perspective; but it isn't supposed to be eBay's "auction" policy.![]()
I just had a guy snipe to win an item then write me how he can't pay for it.. Gee thanks..
That's beyond ridiculous. That is someone I would immediately report as a non-paying bidder. I wouldn't even try to "negotiate" an amicable withdrawal.
BTW, since this thread is becoming such a good place to compare notes, would you mind posting that bidder's id, so we can block them along with the others?
ebay is getting stupid,sellers cant even leave negative feedback.if you get a bad buyer you cant give them negative feedback,alot of people were mad about this.