EBay Is Just So Damned Horrible ...

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Ebay does really suck. It is geared towards the buyer and even though the sellers pay to keep Ebay in business, they get the shaft. I am done screwing with people on ebay. I have to ship US only, confirmed address, Insured, delivery confirmation, and signature confirmation. If you do not meet these criteria, you will be refunded, no exceptions. Seven days no payment and I file a non-payment. It shouldn't have to be like this, but it has come to it. I hate to be an ebay Nazi, as I am laid back in RL. But paypal/ebay forces me to be this way. :sick
Well i think ebay has gotten better about fees for the final value at the end. If you dont sell all the time, you can pretty much list anything for free with as many pics as you want. So in that regard, i think they are a lot better than they used to be.
Another reason why you should only bid at the last minute... not time to retract :lol

I know I did have to retract a bid once, but it was because I read the description better and realized the item was incomplete. I apologized to the seller and let them know it was my mistake, they were cool about it.
I know I did have to retract a bid once, but it was because I read the description better and realized the item was incomplete. I apologized to the seller and let them know it was my mistake, they were cool about it.

And, as a seller, that makes a lot of difference. If someone retracts and doesn't even bother to send me a message, I get annoyed. But if they explain their reason, even if I don't necessarily agree with it, at least I understand it.
For the second time in a week I have had a bidder retract a bid hours and now in this case days after placing it. :banghead EBay is becoming so unfriendly to the seller that it is just ridiculous, how do they allow a buyer to cancel bids with no recourse days after their "commitment" to buy an item? All the bidder has to do is say that they entered the wrong amount, in this case 6 days later and there is nothing a seller can do about it? ____ eBay, so much for a contract to purchase ....

:emperor :monkey4 :emperor :monkey4

PS - :lol One ********* cancelled his bid on my item only to bid on p!tu's at .99 :lol

They were the buyer/bidder: feb_ulous626 and rome_325

Thanks for posting. 2 more added to my blocked bidder list. EBay sucks for sellers. Then on top of the general, seller unfriendly policies, I just had to pay those bastards $50! :mad: That's not even including the Paypal fees of course. God forbid if a seller under-estimates shipping charges. They have to eat that, plus the eBay then Paypal fees. I guess they realize that the buyers hold the power, though. No buyers means no sellers, and eBay is the only real game in town apart from trying to off-load stuff for sub-eBay prices on forums like this one, so sellers just get the shaft. . .right up the backside.
And, as a buyer, I can kind of understand the mindset. Using a retail analogy, if I go into Target and buy a product, and then take it home, only to find a Walmart ad that advertises the same product at a lower price, I will head back to Target, and ask them to either price match or give me a refund. I think that many people view ebay as a large online shopping mall. If they bid on your item, but then the same item pops up a day later in a buy it now auction, and at a lower price, it doesn't surprise me that they don't realize they are essentially breaking their contract with you. They just want the item at the lowest price.

I get that Chris actually, that is a good perspective; but it isn't supposed to be eBay's "auction" policy. :sick
Yeah, I can understand that perspective, too, but that's just not the way eBay works. . .yet. They are so buyer-friendly, though, that I can see them moving that way eventually. Unfortunately, most sellers are casual, getting rid of excess stuff, etc., and they shouldn't, in my mind, be expected to act as if they are huge corporate retailers.
thanks for the info, updated my blocked bidder list as well.

1624shaunc, citachiquita, comic-madness, darkness4545, dr-graffix, joevsvent, liquidroc, nit2getit, otto-31860, paultag46kz, philippe292, plunge35, rgannett, rodierc10, ryan1383, surfbig5947209, zuly0608, feb_ulous626, rome_325

the "zuly" was just recent and some guy from Greece that bid on my items, then asked me to cancel his bid rather than him retracting his own bid :confused:. I let it stay, since it was an auction and I was hoping it would help it sell for more, but no other buyers and I had to file a non-paying bidders claim.
ebay is getting stupid,sellers cant even leave negative feedback.if you get a bad buyer you cant give them negative feedback,alot of people were mad about this.
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Yeah, that part pissed me off when implemented. I also really disliked the lowering of listing prices, while increasing the final value costs. It makes the costs of selling less obvious, and encourages crap like people listing a Battlecat BIN for $400 (little cost in doing so, so why not?).
If you can't cancel a auction in the final 24 hours, you shouldn't be able to cancel a bid during that period either!

You can cancel an auction up until the 12 hour mark, and the same goes for bids.
I get that Chris actually, that is a good perspective; but it isn't supposed to be eBay's "auction" policy. :sick

I know, and that's that most frustrating part. It isn't a shopping mall, but most buyers view it that way now. A bid is supposed to be a contract, and every bidder acknowledges that fact when they sign up. But most forget it in, oh... 30 seconds from the time they leave the sign-up page. And, of course, NO ONE ever reads the fine print when placing a bid.
I just had a guy snipe to win an item then write me how he can't pay for it.. Gee thanks..

That's beyond ridiculous. That is someone I would immediately report as a non-paying bidder. I wouldn't even try to "negotiate" an amicable withdrawal.

BTW, since this thread is becoming such a good place to compare notes, would you mind posting that bidder's id, so we can block them along with the others?
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That's beyond ridiculous. That is someone I would immediately report as a non-paying bidder. I wouldn't even try to "negotiate" an amicable withdrawal.

BTW, since this thread is becoming such a good place to compare notes, would you mind posting that bidder's id, so we can block them along with the others?

I have to wait 4 days.. Funny thing is he offered to pay my listing fees in May 2010 when he is back in the USA.. wtf
I had to retract a winning bid once. I notified the seller immediately and, thankfully, he was fully understanding. It was probably before some rule change. I entered a figure with a dollar and cents amount in the final minutes. Unfortunately I hit the comma key instead of the full stop, so it turned my bid from a small dollar amount into a bid of thousands. There was no way I wasn't going to win.

Yeah it was a mistake. I wrote to ebay, told them what happened and suggested they use the dash key to separate dollars from cents. I think they'd rather have people make mistakes than allow for human error. No, no one's getting my ebay id either.
ebay is getting stupid,sellers cant even leave negative feedback.if you get a bad buyer you cant give them negative feedback,alot of people were mad about this.

So what if sellers can't leave feedback? That's a positive thing, because it prevents sellers from being able to control their feedback. I have dealt with a lot of sellers that would ONLY leave feedback for the buyer AFTER the buyer leaves feedback for the seller, ie positive feedback. A lot of sellers on ebay have artificially manufactured positive feedback. If the buyer doesn't buy, it seems to me that is no different than someone who walks into a store and puts an item in their cart, then changes their mind and doesn't buy it. If a buyer doesn't buy, no real loss, unless there were listing fees that the seller has to pay. If the bidder bids a lot and then wins and decides not to buy, then that bidder has done you a favor by driving the price higher than it otherwise would go, and you can offer it as a second chance to the second highest bidder. What is the point of blocking a bidder? You don't want their money when are willing to pay? Either they pay or they don't, and if they pay, you win, and if they don't , you really don't lose, either. It is the buyer that needs the protection.

I've dealt with sellers who misrepresented an item as mint when it was only in very fine condition, as it had a deep long wavy scratch on the LCD display. I got no refund. Ebay didn't help. You couldn't see the scratch in the seller's pics. Another time I bought something, and it didn't work. I got no refund. This was 7 years ago. It has caused me to be very jaded about ebay sellers in general.